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It was that weekend within Castlemount Arms hotel where he first met twin sisters Janice and Alice and where a path towards the future really began to take shape. Gabriel Grimmel had faith that Vampires and Humans could live together in peace or at least apart in peace, but that faith has most definitely been tested on a number of occasions.

Of course, it was during that very weekend when the more angelic twin had been turned into a Vampire though this had not been something that came via the hands or rather fangs of Gabriel neither had it been done with his approval or knowledge. As it was, such things were not to occur and he who broke the truce paid the price, punished by the hands of Gabriel himself.

Parents, Brian, and Denise were left to return home with only one of their daughters not knowing what happened to or ever giving up on finding their other daughter though as we know finding Alice or ever getting to see her again were two things that they would never get to do.

Even though Gabriel had a preference to take care of and look after himself and only himself, it did matter to him as to what happened to other Vampires both day walkers and non-day walkers alike, but it was the day walkers that mattered to him the most as there are so few left in existence with he himself of course being one of them.

There was this power, a charm mastered by only a few, along with a fearful and dark respect held for him that aided to bring about a gathering. He had a strong group of followers ready to do as he asked, and Alice became a permanent part of this group of followers. Janice too was willing to follow and do whatever Gabriel may ask of her. There was a certain mysticism to the hold he had over Janice and despite her desire to be taken and turned by Gabriel she would remain human at least for the time being in the interest of human-vampire relations as Gabriel himself would put it. Sure, his power was strong, and a plan became enhanced.

To turn Janice so close to that weekend would deter from the grand plan. For a start it would only add to the anger and outrage already going against him. Turning her so early indeed would only throw spanner in the works. To those who knew her, Alice is gone, presumed missing, perhaps worse. If Janice was to disappear, willingly or not, well Gabriel would not be willing to test the waters to which Janice's disappearance would create ripples in. What happened with Alice had set things back a little but not so much that all may be lost.

Despite the unwanted and unnecessary ripples, Gabriel still believed that he could move forward, though maybe the things that had already come were working more towards his advantage than against it.

Janice had returned home with her parents after that life altering weekend and for the first time in her life she was without her sister. At this point in time Janice had no idea what the future would hold. She had no idea if she would see either her sister or Gabriel again. Being without her sister was like something worse than losing a limb. It ripped at her soul and left her in her own private maze where every turn leads to a dead end. Adding on to her despair was a strong longing to be near Gabriel that refused to go away.

Plans, wasn't that what been told, plans which Gabriel had for each of the twins. Surly Janice was not to be left in the cold. She knew what had been said, still things felt somewhat final.

On that first evening of being back home Janice couldn't help but cry for hours while sitting on the floor of the bedroom she had shared with her sister. They had been so close that they didn't want to have separate rooms. They may have had their differences though still they were and always will be twins.

Inconsolable, not that anyone was trying, Janice did indeed sit on the floor with her back to a wall while holding a piece of her sisters clothing. She sat crying, rocking and repeatedly backing against the wall with more than a soft thump while listening to her parents as they argued downstairs.

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