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Gabriel Grimmel is a day walker, just one among a dying breed, forging truces and creating alliances wherever he goes, though when it comes right down to it, just how much trust can be confidently placed with one who is a Vampire?

'Can you see it?' asks a male voice Janice does not recognize, well not completely recognized that is.

She couldn't help but see what the intended it is, so she simply replies 'yes.'

Truth is that Janice could more than just see it. She could also almost touch it, feel it, taste it, smell it, and even hear it. Exactly what this it actually is, is a drop of blood, just hanging in mid-air for what seems like minutes, almost as if time is standing still while Janice keeps on going.

Everything else surrounding that seemingly large drop of dark red blood appears only as a bright blur. As well as that, just where Janice was or is at this very moment in time she does not know. A dream perhaps or maybe she is witnessing some kind of vision. Where this voice is coming from and just who it belongs to is also a mystery though there is more than just a slight and strange air of familiarity to it.

Time would resume in slow motion and gradually pick up speed until that drop of blood falls to become part of a red pool which appears to have gathered on a tiled floor. At this point, Janice opens both her eyes wide. She has awakened on the morning of the first day of a three-day weekend, a weekend which would forever change her world and her dream like vision quickly fades from her waking memory.


Janice and Alice didn't particularly want to go away on a family trip unless they could choose as to where the destination would be. Their mum, Denise, didn't mind where they all would go to as long as they get to go away together, as a family. Dad Brian wanted to go the cabin that he owns in the woods close to the lake ... some chance of his choice winning that battle.

To Brian the location of the cabin was perfect, peaceful. He would, if he got to go there that is, even get to do a bit of hunting or even a bit of fishing, but to the girls the cabin is home to boredom central. There was no way in hell they wanted to go there with their parents. If it was just the two of them with a couple of friends, maybe even with some boys too then the cabin might just be an interesting spot, but alone with their parents, no way.

It had been quite a while since they all last went to the cabin together as a family, but Brian eventually gave in to his twin daughters and he agreed to let them choose the venue for a family break away. Sure, going to the cabin as children and going as teenagers are two completely different things.

The fifteen-year-old identical sisters could not look any more different to each other than they already do at this point in time. As kids their look was perfectly symmetrical, almost identical in every way from the hair on their head to the clothes they wore. Now however ... now is a completely different ball game.

Janice loves her dark gothic look, her dark clothes, hair, and makeup, and she has really been looking forward to becoming old enough so she can make her own decisions as to if she can get a tattoo or two, she knows what tattoo's she would like to have done as well as where she would have them placed too.

Everything for Janice matches how she generally feels on the inside, the ever-growing void of darkness is ever present, and it is very much at home within her. For some time, she has had a longing for something more and that something more was and is most definitely on the way.

Alice on the other hand loves her angelic white look. She loves all things white, and nothing she wears ever lasts very long. She gets so annoyed when her clothes lose their bright white look. Generally, it is difficult to imagine Alice ever being annoyed for she is mostly jovial and upbeat, ready to enjoy everything and anything the world has to offer but annoyed she can most definitely get. Her long and curly blonde hair too is something that really sets the two girls apart in contrast to her sister's straightened shorter dark hair.

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