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Gabriel had his plan set in motion to some degree. He knew what he wanted and how to get it; it was just a matter of timing now. He was a patient man but there are those who oppose his thoughts and ideals. Jimmy Salto, for one, had been the most vocal in his opposition. He had also been quite physical too. Gabriel and Jimmy fought quite regularly. These fights were took place both on verbal and on physical battle fields and more often than not, left behind a path of destruction.

Jimmy Salto is a full-blooded vampire. Unlike Gabriel, Jimmy is restricted to nighttime movement, or movement that occurred nocturnally. The sun light would have a much more immediate effect on him. If exposed to sunlight Jimmy would instantly begin to burn and it would only take a matter of seconds until such exposure would cause his death. With that being what it is, Jimmy is strong, powerful, and extremely influential. His influence upon his kind probably would even come close to the level of influence to which Gabriel Holds.

This Jimmy Salto, he is tall; dark skinned and generally looks like what you would expect a typical Vampire to look like if there is anything typical about Vampires. He believes that day walkers are weak, to him they are reckless, they lack restraint, and this is why as far as he is concerned that day walkers are close to extinction, and despite the past he definitely has no interest in their survival. For Gabriel it had always been a lot more than just about the survival.

The couple of years after that family vacation brought hardship to Janice. The loss of one parent is always a difficult thing, but she was dealing with the loss of both her parents. Janice still saw her sister regularly but that brought little comfort. Janice had retreated into her own private darkness, a darkness which had actually existed within her for quite some time prior to the moment she embraced it a whole more, no longer would it remain tucked away in its own little corner.

It was now time. Gabriel, of course, was saddened by the deaths of Brian and Denise. He knew his activity or introduction quickened their demise but at that too, it did also open the door to move forward. Janice had grown, from being the young lady that Gabriel first met to become a young independent woman.

Gabriel quietly sat in a bar with Alice. He had ordered a whiskey but had yet to touch it. Alice took a sip from her large glass of red wine. Knowing Gabriel, the barman did not question him when he ordered a drink for Alice too. A couple of years or so may have passed but she still looked fifteen years old. Janice had certainly left fifteen behind when that family vacation ended.

'Is she ready?' eagerly asked Alice being both excited and carefree at the same time.

'As ready as she is going to be.'

Change was in the air; Gabriel could feel it.


Alice giggled, spun around on her stool to face away from the bar while trying not to spill the glass of wine she held in her right hand.

Beginning to feel uneasy, Gabriel glanced around at his surroundings, and he saw what he had expected to see sitting at the far corner of the bar. There was a long way to go until the morning would bring back the day light and that thought was not sitting well with Gabriel.

'Go make sure your sister is safe, bring Nickolas with you.'

Alice was about to respond childishly but upon receiving an ordering glance, she did as Gabriel asked. As soon as Alice left, Jimmy Salto got up out of his seat. He approached Gabriel. For a moment at least, he would leave violence off the shelf. He is ready for such a thing twenty-four seven. First see where words might get him.

'Don't do this', he said looking Gabriel in the eyes.

'I need to do this, and you have no right to stop me.'

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