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Having received a letter, one, at first, he thought strange, Seth has come to be in a place that holds so much more significance for him than he could previously have envisioned. To really get things rocking, Seth comes across a desk clerk who is so much more than just a desk clerk, his aunt who looks no older than he does and his birth mother too who he had always believed to be dead.

Too further add to this, there is the arrival of a hunter, who wants the likes of those in the vicinity dead, a hunter who will have support arriving imminently and this all is only a beginning or a continuation of something from long before ... and there is so much more to come.

In, to the lobby area of this particular hotel, walked a man or what appears as a man to whom Seth had already sensed was more than just a man, a man he had seen before. This man was the police officer Seth had noticed when he had last gone to visit Jason's grave. Kermit Nolan would not be the only one to arrive in this exact moment, as right behind him was Jimmy Salto dressed all in black with his long black leather jacket. Even though it is getting late and has been dark for a little while now, Jimmy entered the hotel still wearing his dark sunglasses, never mind the fact that his Salto fellow does not belong to any kind of day light

It looked to Seth that he was in for it. To him, he believed he were doomed, as if he had walked right into a trap whether such a thing had been set up intentionally or unintentionally. The darkness he had felt coming for quite some time now seem to actually be here at this very moment.

Lucius smiled standing not very far behind Seth. Being a hunter, Lucius usually went after anything and everything he considered to be inhuman, though right now it seemed at this moment that he may just have an alliance in operation. Just as well for whether or not his men were here or close by, he and they would easily be the weakest entities within the current gathering.

'Oh, this is good, this is real good' spoke Lucius.

His cronies indeed had arrived and they looked at each other and laughed for this was a moment that they had been waiting for, for over two decades. Lucius hardly had much time at all to enjoy his moment for someone else would arrive to the hotel, someone who had not been to the hotel in over twenty-one years. That man was Gabriel Grimmel.

'Gabriel, what are you doing here?' angrily asked Lucius.

Gabriel did not respond. If anything, he completely ignored Lucius. Instead, he walked right up to Kermit Nolan and looked him in the eyes, said nothing then moved on, on over to Jimmy Salto and stared Jimmy in the eyes. Had Lucius really thought that Gabriel would be here at this time?

'Jimmy' spoke Gabriel before giving his onetime good friend a nod.

'Gabriel'. Jimmy held his hand out and Gabriel shook it.

'What the hell is going on here?' Lucius asked still without receiving any reply.

Gabriel next walked up to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder.

'Hello my son.'

'Father ...' Seth nodded not really sure how to respond to this moment.

Lucius was about to speak again but Gabriel interrupted him.

'Shut up Lucius. I will get to you in a moment.'

Gabriel smiled as he passed Alice and Alice smiled back. He hugged Janice and gave her a kiss on the cheek before moving over to the desk clerk. Gabriel reached behind the clerk, grabbed the back of his head, and rammed his face into the desk making the clerk's nose bleed.

'If you cause me any further grief, I will make you pay with more than just a busted nose. Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes sir.'

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