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Hello there ...

My name is Seth. The following, for whom it matters, is my story in a nutshell or two. It'll be fairly basic ... if anything about who I am can be considered basic.

I am sixteen years old, and I have a little more than a year to go before I complete school. Of course, I can go to college when such a time to do so come though I have yet to make a decision on that. Such a decision as that, as well as many others, are not so straight forward decisions to make when you are someone like me.

What else can I say about myself? Well ....

It can be said that I am a lot of things and that I am nothing at all. I am not like most guys my age; in fact, it is safe to say I am not like anyone else my age. Why am I not like anyone else my age? Well, that would be due to the fact that I am the son of a Vampire. Yeah ... you read that right. I am a son of a Vampire, and this is not something you would hear every day I bet. And at that, it had been something I had been unaware of until I turned ten years of age.

My father was, and presumably still is a day walker and at the time of my birth, my mother was human, so this ensures that I too am a day walker. Day walkers are basically Vampires who can go outside during the day, although we are not immune to the effects of the daylight, not completely anyway. Day walkers are indeed sensitive to the day light. Prolonged exposure can harm us to the point it could be lethal.

I say presumably in regard to my father when I mention him as I have never known him. I have never even met him. I know nothing of his current existence or even if he currently exists at all. There is a feeling, a sense that this fact will change in time. His name, my father that is, was and presumably still is Gabriel Grimmel. This means that I am also a Grimmel though this is a surname I have only been using since I was ten years old, more to remind me of who and what I am rather than anything else, not that I need any sort of reminding. Perhaps it would be wise if I did not use that surname at all for it is not all so common and perhaps those who know better or assume they know better could make assumptions about me and I wouldn't want that.

My father, it could be said, had an interesting idea that didn't quite pan out. He thought a point in time would come or could come where all intelligent creatures of Earth could live peacefully as one. No matter how life moves forward or evolves, some things just don't change. Humanity, whether it has become altered into something else or not, just can't seem together as one, not wholly at least. Still, he may be my father, but he is not my dad.

I, as it is, need to constantly wear sunglasses during the day. Luckily enough when I was a child and before I even knew what I was; I had been medically diagnosed with having a severe sensitivity to sunlight. From birth, I had been treated as Human until a point came when things changed.

Thankfully doctors were unable to detect anything else other than a sensitivity to light. Any presumptions or assumptions that I am or could be a Vampire, or something other than Human, I am sure would have been quickly dismissed, although as I have mentioned before, I didn't even know myself until my age went into double figures.

You know, being a Vampire of any kind is not exactly a medical condition nor is it something that any doctor would attempt to go looking for signs of in any kind of patient let alone a child and this of course would be if they would or could believe anything of the likes, let alone detect it. Most people consider Vampires of any kind to be nothing more than something fictitious and no matter what I put on paper, any who read it most likely will not consider it to be true.

I am sure, however, that if a doctor or doctors wanted to prove the existence of what would be only considered by Humans to be something of a myth, then within me, even at that young age, all the signs and proof that they would need could definitely be found.

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