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By 2009 I had been writing short stories for many years and had to write anything of real length. Vampires were a thing of popularity and I had yet to write of anything that came close to such an entity so I thought I'd sort that out. Of course, being a short story writer, I thought I might come up with something about 2,000 or 3,000 words in length ... how wrong that estimation turned out to be.

With no Idea of what exactly I was going to write, I needed a starting point. I would also need at least one Vampire, it was to be a Vampire story after all. Gabriel Grimmel came to mind very quickly. His name, how he looked, his way of speaking and what exactly he wanted also came quickly and there I had it, a basis for my story to begin.

Gabriel wants peace between all intelligent life on this little world of ours, just how he would go about getting it brought a beginning of a tale to me. He would organize a truce within a particular hotel for a period of three days where one and all could come and not worry about the everyday nastiness that exists in the world. There would also be need of a Human family so off I went with a tale to be called Vampire Weekend while being unaware that a music group of that exact name actually existed in reality.

That 2000-3000 word story soon turned into 7,800 words and when it concluded I wanted more, i felt the tale was not yet over so I kept on going writing seven individual short stories that would all come together as one.

So here it is ... seven short stories, split into multiple parts while coming together to make a whole tale of approximately 28,6000 words.

A VAMPIRE TALEWhere stories live. Discover now