Chapter 2

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"Nate?" Kate says.


"What do you want?"

"And why were you listening to us?" Kate and I glare at them.

"Well we heard you two get up at 6 so Nate decided we should follow you." Drew says.

"Oo yay we have two stalkers in our house now." I say sarcastically to Kate.

Kate gives me a hi-5. "Look. We would appreciate it if you just leave us alone. Cool. Thanks. Bye." Kate says.

"Wait." Nate says.

"What? And make it quick cause we still want to practise." I say impatiently.

"Why didn't you want us watching your covers?" Nate asks.

Kate and looked at each other and basically had a conversation in our heads that went something like:

(Alyssa - A. Kate - K)

A - Should we tell them?

K - I don't know.

A - As long as they don't tell anyone?

K - Yep.

How we manage to understand each other, I don't know. Drew and Nate are looking at us expecting an answer.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" I ask.

Drew and Nate nod.

"Okay. The truth is, our parents have always thought of Connor being the 'better child.' The good looking, smart and talented one." Kate says.

"Whenever our parents are home its always 'Connor and the twins' or 'Here's the twins. Here's Connor. Did you know he's in a famous band called The Vamps. ' Kate and I were no longer the interesting ones." I explain.

"Sure, we love our parents and we love Connor. He just got all the attention. I guess we just got a little bit jealous. We started up the YouTube channel just for fun and a little bit of attention. We don't expect to get anywhere. Connor's the singer. We're just 'Connor's twin sisters.' Kate continues.

"We didn't want our family to find the channel. Singing is Connor's thing. Now we've told you. Don't tell anyone or I will seriously hurt you. Please leave so we can practise." I say.

Drew and Nate are kind of shocked but they don't say anything. They just walk away. I know they are going to talk about it. And I know Kate is thinking the same thing.

"Do you think they're gonna tell Connor?" Kate asks me.

"Probably. But they'll wait a day or two." I reply.

"Ugh. We can deal with that when the time comes. For now lets just stay away from them as much as possible." Kate says.

I nod. "Lets practise."

Surprisingly we get through all our songs without any interruption.

"It's 8 o'clock." I say to Kate. "Breakfast?"

She nods. "Let's stay in our onesies."

"Of course." We laugh.

With that we pack everything up and walk out to the kitchen. Nate, Drew, Austin and Levi half-laugh when they see us in our onesies. Me in my tiger one and Kate in her lion one. I don't think they know if we are angry at them or not. I decide to have a little fun with this.

I smile at them. "Good morning boys. Did you sleep well?" I ask them cheerfully.

Kate immediately catches on. "Comfortably?" She asks.

They seem to think we aren't mad at them. They all nod.

"Do you know where Connor is?" I ask them.

"In his room." Austin replies.

"Is he sleeping?" Kate asks.

"Yes." Levi says.

"Thank you." Kate and I say ever so sweetly. We walk out of the kitchen so they can't hear us and Kate turns to me.

"What do you say we make our famous pancakes for breakfast-" Kate begins evilly.

"And let poor old Connor sleep." I finish in the same tone.

We link arms and walk back to the kitchen. The boys are still sitting there. "I don't suppose you have eaten breakfast yet?" I ask them.

They all shake their heads. "Pancakes sound alright?"

"Are they the famous pancakes Connor told us about?" Asks Levi. Kate and I smile and nod at them.

"Shouldn't you wake up Connor?" Austin asks us.

"No, no, no. Don't ever wake up Connor when he's sleeping. Anyway, they're just pancakes." Kate says.

The boys nod. "Do you want us to leave while you make them?" Nate asks.

"No. You can stay and watch." I say.

Kate and I make the pancakes surprisingly quickly. We have about 20 perfectly made pancakes. Kate gets out the lemons, cream, fruit, maple syrup and golden syrup, while I get out the sugar, jam, sprinkles and drinks. We set up the table and the boys sit down.

"Help yourself. There's plenty." I say.

They all begin to eat. Kate and I join them at the end of the table. I am honestly surprised Connor hasn't woken up yet but it's good. After about 20 minutes we have all finished breakfast. Kate and I look at each other.

"You're on dishes and packing up." Kate says to them. We decide to go get dressed because apart from Connor, we are the only ones that aren't.

I decide to wear blue jeans, and a white and orange ombre tank top. Kate is wearing a black pair of jeans with a white and blue ombre tank top. We both wear our favourite hoodies as well. Mine is pink with 'Just Do It' written in blue on the front while Kate's is dark blue with a green 'Nike' symbol on the front.

We both put on makeup. Kate goes for the more natural look while I go for dark mascara, a dark eye shadow and dark blue eyeliner. Kate softly curls her hair while I straighten mine. It's funny. We are alike but different in so many ways.

We walk downstairs. As we pass Connor's room we look at each other and bang on his door really loud. We then run back to the kitchen laughing.

"They've actually cleaned up. Wow." I say.

Kate laughs. "I know right."

We walk to the living room and sit down with the boys.

"What are you planning on doing today?" I ask them.

"We were thinking about practising and possibly writing a few songs." Nate says.

"Except we'll probably procrastinate and only end up writing one." Drew says.

"What do you want to do today?" Kate asks me.

I think for a moment. As I was about to answer...

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