Chapter 34- Lets make a deal

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"They say life is a battlefield, I say 'bring it on.'"

- Usher (Numb)

Emma's p.o.v.

Harry in a regular white shirt and navy blue trousers walked in as hot as ever. Don't stare Emma or he'll think that you're weird. Too late.

"Nice. How did I know that you would dress like this?" He smirks at my weird grey top with green rights.

"My lady." Harry smiles and hands me a rose. Wayyy too romantic already. "Why thank you. You are kind." I smiled trying to sound as polite as possible. Yeahhh. That wasn't happening.

We got into the car and awkwardly sat there for a bit whilst he drove. "You'll love where I'm taking you, Emma." He smiles at me showing his dimples.

"Show off. Don't take advantage that I don't have dimples and stick it in my face, okay?" I playfully punched his arm. Ow.. I feel like I just punched a wall. How much does this dude work out?


"Pretty nice place for a date." I looked around. We were at some probably abandoned building that just got its walls painted in midnight blue.

"This is going to be an art gallery. I know the owner and he let us paint a wall in the gallery. Consider yourself lucky. One day, millions are expected to visit from around the world."

I looked at the midnight blue wall. I then looked down at the neon paint. I picked up a brush with silver paint and started painting a lotus. What can I say? Painting runs through my bloodline.

I finished the outline just as Harry splatters neon orange onto the wall. "Harry!" I protested. "C'mon, Emma. We both know that it'll look better with more colors anyways." He winks before attacking me with neon blue paint.

I squealed at the cold touch and spattered him back with gold paint. "You know that I'm the only gold trophy that you want." Harry laughs. "Searching up pickup lines on the Internet I see." I laughed. "Oh laugh at me now?" I was sprayed with red paint.

"Hehehehehe! Emma! I think that your period went a bit out of control!" Harry laughs.

Cheeky bastard.

I gave him a huge bear hug and got red on him. What happened next was unexpected. He held me there with his arms and look down into my eyes. No kiss. Just staring. His eyes were bright green. Like BRIGHT green.

We just swayed without music. His cellphone suddenly rang. Damn you whoever called. Whilst Harry was yelling at whoever was on the other line, I added some more splatters onto the wall and signed my name on the right bottom corner.

"That was Louis." Harry sighed and tossed his phone onto the floor. Damn yo. You want you're phone to break? "What did he have to say?" I asked. He shook his head.

"That boy is just drunk. Typical Louis." He signs his name next to mine, grabs my hand, and took us a few yards back.

"Wow. I never knew how nice it looks." I smiled at the beautiful view. "It's even more beautiful when you know that you were the one to paint it." Harry agrees.

I got up and dipped my hand into a bucket of neon pink paint. Once my hand stopped dripping, I slapped my hand onto the wall leaving my handprint there. Harry does the same with green paint.

"Perfect." I sighed looking at the wall again. "We should wash up. Here. I'll take you home so you can wash up. I'll pick you up roughly an hour later?"

I smiled and nodded looking at my messed up clothes. Harry's resembled the same.


We were at this restaurant. Not too fancy, but fancy enough that I had to borrow one of Gemma's skirts (since all I had were tutu's) and spray my hair brown again.

"Hell-o! I'm Macy. I'll be at your service tonight." Some slut walks up to us and winks at Harry. But he ignored her. "Would you like any drinks?" Harry nods over at me. "I'll take a Pepsi."

The girl smirks at my choice. "I'll take a Pepsi as well. Harry glares at her. "Well I'll be back!" She smiles and rushes off. "I don't like that girl. If you want to leave, here is our chance." Harry whispers so only I could hear.

"Its okay, Harry. She's just horny. I can tell." I winked at him. "Well here you are!" Macy comes back and nearly tosses my Pepsi at me whilst she sets Harry's down nicely. "Would you like to order?"

We nodded. "I'll take a peri peri chicken please." I said trying to sound nice. If she was in charge of handling my food, I better be super nice to her.

"I'll take a steak." Harry looks at me. Macy walks away whilst popping a bubble. "Why were you nice to her? You should've pulled out your 'Evil Emma' side and kicked her in her plastic balls.... Though I doubt that they would hurt if you did."

I bursted out laughing and watched 'Macy' walk near us (so that her back was facing us), 'accidentally' dropped her pen, and bent down revealing her ass at Harry. The short and tight skirt didn't help either.

But Harry just looked away and started talking about One Direction and how sensational they could be.

"Here you go!" Macy give us our food and slips a price of paper to Harry. Well someone's thirsty. Harry reads it, laughs, and then shows it to me:

Call me maybe? I'm a model :)


- Macy

There were a bunch of numbers that were scrawled onto the paper below it. "'I'm a model.' Is that girl for real? What does she model? Plastic surgery ads?" Harry rips it up and tosses it.


We were back at home talking about that girl, Macy. Well in Harry's case, 'making fun of Macy'. "When I saw 'I'm a model', I was like 'okay! And I'm the president!'" I just laughed along whilst he told Gemma the whole 'Macy' thing.

"I had a great time." I smiled that night as I sat on my bed. "Our painting on the wall shall stay there forever. Lets make a deal. In five years, wherever we are in the world, we come back and look at that painting, okay? So on November 20, 2015, we'll both go back there and stand right in between where both of us slapped on the wall. You stand near your hand, I stand near mine." He held out his pinky. "So what do you say?"

I smiled and entwined our pinkies. "Promise."

Unknown's p.o.v.

I stumbled around the bar. My head was spinning like crazy! I sat on a stool next to this hot dude. "Drinking a lot, no?" I shrugged at took another shot. "Lass, you have to stop drinking your problems away. It doesn't help."

"How do you know I have problems?" I snapped. "I can see it in your eyes." He holds out his hand. "Louis. Louis Tomlinson." I hesitated before taking his hand.

"Eleanor. Eleanor Calder."


So yupp! Unknown is Eleanor. So from the previous point of views from 'unknown', you can tell that she's usually drunk. Just keep that in mind. I know that they met because of Harry but I like being creative 😊

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