Chapter 6- I am married to Louis Tomlinson

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"Whoo!!!!!" Louis kept on yelling. Can Romeo be a child? Well act like one? Well behind the scenes, yes. In fact. His childness is scaring me now. "You know that I'm the real Peter Pan??? Huh Emma? Do you know?" I gave a fake smile. "Yes I do Louis." It was lunch and Niall was having the time of his life eating anything edible that came in his sight. "Emma..... Can.."He began. "Yes, Nialler. Go ahead and take my salad."

"Hey no!!" Zayn complained. "Emma promised me the salad!!" I groaned. Right...... I did. "No way would my wife give you her salad." Niall yelled. Welcome to World War Three!!!!!! "Hey! She's my fiancé in the play! I should get it!" Louis joined in. So my fiancé in the play, my 'supposedly' husband, and a regular friend is fighting over salad. How peachy. Just what I needed. "Zayn gets it." I announce and hands it to the bad boi. "HOW DARE YOU, WIFE?!?" Niall screams.

"Sorry husband. I just think that you love me for my food... Not me." I tried not to laugh. "I now declare our divorce!!" he yells and rips a napkin in half. "Ahhhh.... So there's the divorce contract. I've been looking for that." I laughed. "So now be my wife!!" Louis kneeled down holding a ring made of many fake jewels. God knows how and where he got it. "Emma I don't know your middle name Parsons. I'll forever be your Peter Pan. Will you please be my Wendy? How about Juliet?"

I tried not to laugh. "I don't have a middle name, Tomlinson. And yes." He slid the metal.... probably a fake ring he stole from his little sister up my ring finger. (A/N: am I the only one who finds this joke cute?)

"Awwwwww." The whole cafeteria went. OMG..... Flack.

Harry's p.o.v.

Crazy girl is engaged. Well she is to a crazy boy so it both fits. Emma Tomlinson. Emma Tomlinson. Emma Styles. OMFG NO. Nononononono!!! I stared as Louis kisses Emma on the lips as they both walked out of the cafeteria. God. Why the pretty ones? Married at 16. Hey kids. The friggen reason you are fifteen and I'm 31 is that I got married, pregnant and appeared on 16 and pregnant when I was 16. Their kids must be so proud that they got hot parents. YES HOT PARENTS!!!

What little kid will ever have a mum with twenty different hair colors? How about a dad with the biggest biceps in school? Eh. Screw that. All I wanted was her pants on my bedroom floor.

(A/N: oh Harry, Harry, Harry... Tisk, tisk, tisk)

Emma's p.o.v. (sorry!!)

"Look. I'm sorry. I thought that it'll be a joke, but I guess not. So what do we do now?" Louis frowned whilst we walk home from school. I stayed silent. Do I like Louis? I do. He's funny, caring..(not much but we can work on that), HOT, and NOT Harry Styles. "Keep it real." I answered before pressing my lips on his.

It was hard to imagine that our first kiss was fake. It felt fake. But this time, it felt real. More real than Louis' bum (like how Zayn describes it), more real than seeing Niagara Falls in person, and even more than making fun of Harry. My stomach kept on fluttering. My head spun.

We pulled away but kept our foreheads touching. "I'm free tommarrow... Or any day." He smiles. "Ofcourse I want to keep my fiancé happy." We got into his car.

Louis's p.o.v.

"Huh. The ring looks real." she laughed whilst I drove her home. It is real. "Eh.... Yeah. I just grabbed it off my sister's bedroom table." I lied. It was passed down through my family. "Does she need it?" Emma kept staring at it." C'mon Lou, put on a lie!!! "Nah. She has too many for her own good. Lottie wouldn't realize that it's missing." Ofcourse not. It's not even hers.

"Lou. Hurry up. We're going twenty miles per hour." she sighed. It wasn't until when we arrived in front of her home when we then talked again. "Look... Emma. I gotta tell you something." SAY IT DOUCHE BAG. Just say 'I love you and that ring is real' and drive off in twenty miles per hour. She'll never catch you.... Until tommarrow.... Or if it really pisses her off, then she'll show up at my house.

"I love.... I love....." I looked at her. JUST SAY FRIGGEN Y-O-U. "Pot noodles." ouch...... Her face fell. "Sure you do." Emma tried covering her disappointment. "I'll see you tommarrow." SAY SOMETHING, IDIOT!!!! "Wanna go... Grab a coffee tomorrow?" Her fake smile turned softer. "Sure. Why not?"

Emma's p.o.v.

I got a date with Louis Tomlinson. I walked through the doors. "Mum! Dad! I'm home!!!" The house was silent. Huh. I walked into their offices... Empty. The backyard door was left open. Was there a robbery? Everything seems normal. I went up to my room where somehow my porch doors were open. Okay this is officially getting creepy. "Hello?" I called. An envelope was neatly placed on my made bed.


The words were printed in neat script... Like computer script. I broke its seal and a folded paper came out. It was drawing paper: a faded old copper color. There was a note with a drawing while the note scribbled 'Trust Him'. In pencil, I slowly made out a face... Okay this was a joke. Who wants me to 'trust' Harry Styles?


Anyone hates me yet?

Let's get this straight: THIS IS NOT ENTIRELY A LOUIS TOMLINSON FANFICTION!!!!! That's why the title says (One Direction FANFICTION) so right now, I know it's leaning towards Louis,but hey! Things change!

Why did louis give her a real ring? Loving Emma is not only the reason why ;).

Stay beautiful!!! (any1 else Luvs that song by Taylor Swift?)

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