Chapter 10- Opposites Got Each Other Screwed

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~like if you love Louis wearing beanies~

Louis' p.o.v.

My head hurt. Everything did. Well at least my arms and legs were weak. I stood there still. Watching Harry kiss Emma and watched the other me walk inside chuckling. So as any person would do, I followed. "Zayn!!!!!! What did I tell you about hogging the loo!!!" Other me yelled. Zayn was here?

"TAKE NIALL'S BATHROOM!!!!!" Zayn shouts. Niall was here? Oh wait..... There he was... stuck in the fridge. Typical Niall. "Liam!!!! Harry?! ANYONE GONNA HELP OUT AN IRISH HERE?!" (A/N: yes in this fanfic, Niall is still Irish but lives in Cheshire)


Liam walked in with a pretty girl. OMG LIAM PAYNE HAS A SHAVED HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Niall, are you stuck AGAIN?!" He sighs before walking over to the poor Irishman and gestured the girl to help him too. "Here. Dani, take this side and I'll take the other."

Dani...... Hmmmm. Dani. Liam doesn't know any Dani!

Dani sighs and walks over to help. "Lou! When is your girl coming over?" Liam looks over his shoulder at the other laughing me. "Oh. Maybe in two days. I-"

And my vision failed like that. I was no longer at that house. I never found out who 'my girl' was. I was in a dark room again. And this time, my head really hurt.

Emma's p.o.v.

I walked down the halls lonely. "Hey. Soul Sistah! Why the down look?!" Liam sang. "Its been four days Li." I sighed. "Perk up that down face! Louis is probably just dreaming about ponies or something stupid." (A/N: Liam, you'll probably never know) "The doc said that he'd call Jay and I when he does wake."

"Oh. So you're becoming best friends with your 'fiance''s mum. I see how this is going." Niall popped out of nowhere. "WHERE IN DA HELL DID YOU COME FROM?!!!!!" I shrieked. "Erm.... I was right next to Liam the whole time. I even said hi to you." He frowned.

Oh. "When was the last time you slept?" Zayn popped out of nowhere next to me. "Don't tell me that you were here the whole time too!" I yelled. "Hmmmm. Nope! I just popped out of nowhere!" He smiled. "How's Lou?"

"Still sleeping. Gosh. Is Lou always a sleeper?" The boys shrugged. "Oh look who it is. Future Mrs. Tomlinson... or should I say 'future' if your fiancé is gonna make through it." Harry snickers before flicking Niall's head.

"Save it pea brain." I rolled my eyes. "At least I have a fiancé whilst you go around adding onto your 'I have slept with...' list." Liam shakes his head.

"Jealous that you aren't one of those girls?" Harry insists. "Heheheh. Very hilarious. I'm glad that I'm not one of them. Heard that you turned down Trisha."

Harry squinted his eyes. "I slept with her before. Don't need a second rerun." Ewwwwww. TMI. *cough MAN-SLUT! *cough. "Hmmm I dissed you before. But I still do reruns." I sigh.

"No sense of style then, huh?" Cow (yes capital c) smirks. "Hmmm. Nope. Just a sense of reality." The bell rings for lab......and I'm partners with Cow again....


"Today, class, we're doing blood types. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah." I zoned out. "Parsons! Are you listening to me?" I look up. "Yeah. Sure."

We each prick our partner's finger. Harry (with no hesitation) jabs the needle into my finger. That prick (get the joke?). Blood oozed out of my finger. Bitch.

"And now, prick my finger." Cow held out his hand trying to look brave but his eyes showed fear. "Hell no!! You might have HIV!!!" I shriek.

Everyone stares at him. Heh. Heh. "And how would you know?" Harry challenges. "Cow, I said might. Not do." Whispers ran through the classroom.

"And why would you think that?"

"Because you have probably slept with every whore in this school!"



I said 'whore' in front of Mr. Dan. He hates cursing!!! "Parsons! Styles! I want to see you after class."


"Parsons, you have disrupted my class today. You insulted Styles and the girls at this school." So Harry slept with EVERY girl in this school but ME? Okay. Jkjkjk.

"I see that you two have problems, so to fix them, I'm not giving you detention....." Whoo Hoo!!!! "But you are required to go as dates to the winter ball."


Save Her (Harry Styles) **The Prequel to 'Love Her'**Where stories live. Discover now