III - The Book Club

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This girl interrupted my book club meeting and tried to attack my friends! What should I do?

Hey everyone!

So, yesterday it was my turn to host the monthly meeting of the book club I'm a part of. Obviously, I do read more than one book per month and am very literate, however this is to accommodate the less capable members of the group. I also have a very busy schedule on account of being the part-time deputy manager of a grocery store while studying for a degree in physics. Anyway, the book we were planning to discuss was Pride and Prejudice by Jean Austin. 

I had been looking forward to this meeting, because it would be a relief to spend some time with a group of friends who hadn't been at Brindie's pool party (apart from Heini and Katie, of course). The gossip mill had been actively churning over the events that took place on that night, and several untoward rumours had been circulating; it would be refreshing to spend time with some ladies who knew nothing about that night.


While everyone was getting settled in and I was pouring some (high quality) tea for my friends, another person walked in to the meeting. I looked up from the teapot that I was holding and was SO shocked to see Rhonda standing in my home. Rhonda hadn't been at Brindie's party, but she did come to Mavis's funeral and she looked PISSED through the whole ceremony. Regardless of this, I walked up to her and handed her some tea with a welcoming smile, which she did not return. The book club has an open-door policy, although it does require newcomers to RSVP so really Rhonda should have been grateful that I allowed her to join in on her discussion.

Everyone got out their copies of Pride and Predators and I observed that Rhonda hadn't even bothered to bring hers, which made me a little suspicious. I decided to plough on with the meeting and asked the group what thought of the book. We went round in a circle and mentioned the themes in the book that we personally related to. When it got to me, I mentioned Elizabeth's sense of integrity, and how it's important to me to always behave with honourably and ethically. 

Suddenly, Rhonda got to her feel and screamed "BULLSHIT". I slowly turned to Rhonda and asked if there was something that she would like to share with the rest of the group. She responded by grabbing Heini's copy of Pride and Pregnancy (she should have brought her own) and THREW it at my face. Thanks to my naturally honed agility, I was able to duck out of the way and the book hit the wall. Heini was incensed, and grabbed a fireplace poker to whack Rhonda's leg with it. Rhonda fell to the floor and she looked SO mad so Heini, Katie and I decided to run for it.

We ran out into the street but we could see that Rhonda was chasing us aggressively! We couldn't run very fast (we were wearing heels) but luckily Heini's attack had hindered Rhonda's leg and her speed had also been adversely affected. We didn't know where to go, until we saw the local hedge maze. Heini, Katie and I LOVE the hedge maze and we go there all the time so we know all of the tips and tricks. We paid for a ticket (3 for 2 discount) and went inside. Rhonda followed us in but because she didn't have the experience of the attraction that we did she very quickly got lost. After we were sure that she wouldn't be able to get out for a LONG time we left and returned to my house.

Most of the members of the book club were still there and thankfully had carried on discussing the book. We sat down for the remaining 15 minutes and contributed some insightful points to the discussion.

What should we do about Rhonda? Clearly she blames us for the death of Mavis and is out for revenge. Should we kick her out of the book club or should we give her another chance? 

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