Chap.16 Heated talk

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Class felt longer than usual with the amount of time Yoongi spent glaring daggers at the clock.
His mind was very much not over the whole ordeal that happened that afternoon. His younger brother's word still stung like a deep paper cut. 'You have no idea what you do to me hyung', Yoongi squirms in his seat remembering the male's expression at that exact moment.

He wasn't an idiot, he later on realised that Hoseok had been hard at that time. Yoongi couldn't have admitted to be any different from the taller during then.

Ever since his first wet dream 3 years ago, he's been aware of a lot of things- like his body and his body...Yoongi thuds his head to his desk as his mind wonders a little off the deep end. Some of his class mates turn their heads and take a glance at the boy before turning back.

Yoongi had his head down to his desk as he waited for his 'reaction' to fade as he usually does. He felt ashame for getting one at school, which rarely happens. The mint haired lad allowed himself to look up from something other than his desk, with a small pout on his face. His heart was still hammering in his chest as his cheeks dusted pink. What's wrong with this dumb body! He thought, while deepening his pout.

As soon as class ended, Seokjin meant Yoongi in the hallways. "Oh thank Goodness your alone, I wouldn't want Hoseok to give me another death glare," Jin lets out, walking with the shorter.

"Hyung... am I broken?" Yoongi ask, while looking up at the taller with the expression of a kick puppy. "Woah slow down, where did that come from, Are you okay?". Jin says, stopping in his steps, completely turning to the other. "I can't focus in class, and IT keeps on stirring alive-" Yoongi says, looking away while slowly turning red.

"It... alive... OHH, YOU'RE HORNY" Seokjin shouts with realization, Yoongi quickly shushes the other as they got weird stares. They finally make it to Jin's locker, "sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud, but what you're experiencing is normal! Nothing a little masturbating can't fix" the taller says while opening his locker.

"What's that!?" Yoongi asks, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "oh no you don't! My mother forced her last boyfriend to have this talk plus other talks with me, it's something that you'll have to discover on your own" Jin says looking away. "Don't give me that look! After what happened last time, I can't show you this, it. will. get. weird. Look it up or something" Jin says before running away flustered, he knew if he stayed a minute longer that he would give in.

Yoongi stood near the now closed locker dumbfounded. 'Guess he needed to do something important'' he thought, before turning to go to his locker.

Hoseok stood near his locker door as the lunch bell ranged. He watched as the halls filled while looking through the crowd.

"Jimin! Over here" he yells out as soon as he sees the figure he was looking for. Jimin visibly sighs, "I'm pretty hungry, I thought you meant during lunch" he says. "Well, I think it's best if I just get this out of my system..." Hoseok says, rubbing a hand behind the back of his neck. The shorter male stares at the other with a bored expression. "You know you've been my first and best experience-ces, not to mention that you're a really fucking great friend and all..." he starts. Jimin suddenly stiffens up, "where are you getting at haha" he says with a strained laugh.

Hoseok sighs with a dejected expression. "What I'm trying to say is that, I love you and that we should stay just friends from now on... no more fucking around, literally hahaha" he finishes with a half smile. He noticed a pair of eyes on them around the corner, it was his hyung, that quickly fled after being noticed.

"If this is a joke, it's not a funny one". Hoseok turns his attention back to Jimin, to find him furious. "You think you can just use me as a tool than replace me when you've fixed your eyes on another!? FUCK YOU!" He screamed. "Jimin i-it's not like that and you know it! We used each other" the taller tries to reason. "Not me, I didn't, it meant something to me, you mean something to me!" Jimin announced.
"I-I didn't mean to hurt you, it meant a lot to me too, you're important to me!" Hoseok quickly hugs the other, Jimin ends up pushing him away harshly. "You fucking asshole! I can't do this right now" Jimin says, holding his fist tightly then running off. Leaving Hoseok to reach for him.

There were many eyes that stopped and stared at the scene, making Hoseok look down. 'Well that went well, USE each other!? I'm a dumbass, he needs space..." the male walks away.

It was the end of the day already, Yoongi sighs as he reached the car. He jumps with a squeak as he felt a tap on his shoulder, "mind if I get a ride?" It was Hoseok, The younger flashes a warm smile once Yoongi nods a silent yes.

A/n: I know, I know, y'all haven't seen me since 2020 😭. The amount of character development I've gone through should be illegal! But I'm back to finish this ff :)

So don't be surprised if my writing style is a little different. Thank you for reading see you next chapter💜

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