chap.13 Self needs

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As soon as Hoseok got to his room he closed and locked the door to his room.

He slides down on his door with relief.

Really Hoseok a 'punishment' he's your brother not your boyfriend, and not to mention his older then you.

But one thing Hoseok knew for sure, was that he didn't regret anything about the 'punishment', his hand unknowingly slides down to palm his already dripping erection, replaying the events that occurred.

"Mmh!" Hoseok let out a deep groan, as he palmed himself a little harder, releasing some of the pressure.

He got up and pulled down his pants.

Leaving him in only boxers, he got on his bed in anticipation, he laid on his back, Hoseok's breathing was already shallow because of how long his been waiting.

He replayed the exact moment Yoongi slides down his pants, and bit his lips.

He quickly but slowly wiggled out of his boxers, and rubbed his waist banned of the boxers a little at the base of his dick, before letting it spring out freely hitting his pelvis.

Hissing at the air his 'friend' is finally receiving.

Hoseok let himself catch his breath before he took the dick from his stomach, and Cather up some of the pre-cum from the tip, closing his eyes as he played with the tip of his dick.

Breathing getting louder.

Soon enough Hoseok start pumping his dick up and down in a slow pace.

"Ah~", Hoseok let out a quiet moan imagining His older brother's ass, he closed his eyes and started pumping a little faster.

The pre-cum making it easier for him to stimulate himself, his hand movements making in erotic sound, "ahh~ fuck~", Hoseok throws his head back remembering the sensation of Yoongi's plump ass.

He started wiggling his cock back in forth,

He stuck his tongue out as he panted heavily, he rubbed his thumb on the tip of the thick cock, "Ahh!~" Hoseok moaned a little loud.

remembering his not alone in the house, he covered his mouth and closed his eyes again being
In a dazed of pleasure.

Hoseok remembers so clearly how the smaller teen sounded, and the erotic sound of how his palm spanked Yoongi's jiggly butt, Hoseok's hip thrusted up at a particular tug on his already sensitive dick.

"Ah, ah, ah", Hoseok let out muffled moans and groans, as the pleasure was beginning to feel to much to handle.

And a familiar knot started to form has he tugged a little harder.

Hoseok was now pumping his dick in an extremely fast pace, as he was so close to his climax, f-fuck I'm g-gonna cum, i-i'm CUMMING! the orange haired teen throws his head back as he reaches the next level of ecstasy, a very familiar level that would make his toes curl and mind go blink "Yoongi!~" he releases with a shriked moan as ropes of cum shoots out of his cock, and his hips stutters up riding out his orgasm, having nothing to hold on to but his mouth that he was already covering.

Hoseok's palm is covered in saliva as he let his hand slides down from his mouth with his tongue sticking out.

And puffing out hot breath of air, as his brain is still a little cloudy from his high.

And body still tingly from it too.

Hoseok cleaned himself up after finally getting a hold of himself and could now think clearly.

This is a whole nother level you got yourself into Hoseok,

Hoseok thought as he covered his eyes with his arm and gulped, having this being a really long day.

A/n: sooo... I tried not to make it to smutty.... Ok THAT was a complete lie😅 but plz vote and comment.

Also Stan TXT with moi✊💖

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