ch.15 busy mind

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The boys finally arrived at school a little earlier then usually. They parked, and headed inside together.

"So~ what I got from all that... Was that Jin Hyung is still single right?" Namjoon asked, when they made it near his locker. "Wow thanks for the advice, you broke down all that information really well". Hoseok responded sarcastically.

"I'm just messing with you.. Sort of, but anyways, you really have to get your shit together. I mean, you're literally technically cheating on Jimin" Namjoon stated. After they got the things the taller needed. "What? We're not even together, what made you think that?" Hoseok asked, as they moved to his locker.

"Right, as if you guys aren't always together, and not to mention his been crushing on you since middle school".
Namjoon said.

*sigh* "he just so happens to be a really good friend... That answers each others curiosities. And I mess with sometimes... To be honest, I'm glad we're here early, I don't really know how to face him right now". Hoseok responds.

"It's ok, I was a little harsh on you earlier, so my bad, but you just need time to gather your thoughts alone at these times. Let's go chill at the cafeteria for now". Namjoon said after they were done getting there things. There were a few people in the halls at the moment. So the cafeteria was basically empty, except for the people getting breakfast.

They took a seat close to the cafeteria doors.

"It's just.. We're brothers you know? If we get together, family celebrations would get pretty weird. At first, we were just fooling around but now... I don't know". Hoseok suddenly says, before laying his head down.

"That's the biggest thing you wanna worry about? You guys are not even related, just get sometime to think".

Namjoon says, before checking his phone. "What is this a fanfic plot?
( A/n: umm) But you're probably ri-".Hoseok got interrupted by a squeal. "Oh my goodness, Jin Hyung wants to take a walk with me, before classes starts". Namjoon says with  a dimple smile.

"Since when were you and Hyung so clo- you know what never mind". Hoseok says. Just to realize, that his friend was already gone.

Yoongi got to school a little late, he had a lot on his mind at the moment. He didn't know whether or not to approach his brother during his breaks.

So he decided to wait a while, so the other could come to him. He didn't know how long that would take.

He was hoping soon. He probably just has a lot on his mind right now like I do, this is all my fault to begin with anyway. The shorter thought, while doodling in class.

Hoseok has successfully avoided both his hyung, and Jimin, for the past two periods.

He doesn't really understand his feelings at the moment, he never really thought of his cute adopted brother like that before, and now he can't even make eye contact with the other without blushing.

There must be something wrong with me. Other than being horny 24/7 he thought.

"Hey Hoseok". Jimin says tapping the others shoulder, crap! Hoseok thought. "H-hey miny", the other says nervously.

"Today, I had one of the longest exam's. I'm so nervous for the results,
*sigh* it's my fault for not studying thoug- hey are you listening?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind that's all", Hoseok responds looking down.

"Oh- Ooh~ it's not gonna be like last time, were you literally got so desperate, that we did it in the school closet. Pretty dangerous, you can wait this tim-" Jimin was about finish, before getting interrupted. "What!? N-no not those kind of things, it's just- we need to talk. Meet me during lunch ok?" Hoseok says, putting his hand on the others shoulder.

Jimin rolled his eye with a smile. "Sure~ anyways, see you at lunch then".

A/n: hopefully you guys enjoyed.
Last week was actually my birthday, Tee hee. Losts been happening these days.

Hopefully you'll are safe and healthy 💟

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