Chap.2 Interesting night

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A/n:  this is a sope ff  kind of ? But this chapter is kind of a fun one too write its a Mrs Jung x Yoongi, but I'll get to YoonSeok moments soon I promise.

Yoongi has been living with them about for about two weeks now and he seems to be getting along with everybody just fine, but tonight he just couldn't sleep in his room alone because he had nightmare, "no muma papa, stop sleepy it's cold outside wake-up" the poor boy mumbled in his sleep, he suddenly shot out of bed and ran to his foster moms room,  which in surprised she was still awake on a laptop on her lap,

"Honey whats wrong" she asked clearly puzzled by his Behavior, he was slightly shaking and his lips quivered

I don't remember but I just know that I don't want to sleep alone in the dark in ma room tonight, Yoongi thought, as he walked closer to the lady, "can pwease stay up with you for a little bit" Yoongi says eyes now watering scared that she might deny his offer.

"Come here"She says patting a spot next to her on the bed, Yoongi's face lighted up and ran to the spot she told him to go, "tank you Bu-in eomma" he said sitting up just like her.

The room was in comfortable silent for about 10 seconds, until Yoongi notice what she was watching on the laptop, "What you watching" he says totally intrigued by the computer screen, and that's when she internally panicked, fuck shit fuck I just exposed myself, thank goodness this was the fluff part, she thought "well... um I-its called Yaoi anime" she  embarrassingly Murmured like she was Fought red handed, "uhh?" The little boy replied, the lady sighed, "it's boy x boy ok"

Yoongi was just hella confused but wanted to watch "can I watch too"  yoongi asked innocently. "Um I don't think-" her words were cut of by a little whine coming from the boy, "fine" she said, "3 episodes only and than your going to sleep" The small boy just nodded.

"So its not wrong for boy to kiss another boy?" Yoongi asked Mrs Jung almost forgot That The boy was with her, she got out of her stance and looked at Yoongi and said "'s too cute and hot for it to be wrong" she cooed "It make my heart beat loud" the boy said staring into the computer screen as the boys are making out, the mom just stared at him with the wtf just happened look, that she didn't she didn't even realize how to scene  was escalating quickly, one boy took off his shirt and started humping the other boys leg while moaning, Yoongi was just staring at it like it was the most interesting thing he has ever seen.

Not until one boy said "please can you-" and that's when Mrs Jung quickly shut the computer, shit I'm that bitch that just ruined this poor boy's innocence, ahh why am I such a shitty adult, "wait I-i wanted to see what happewed next"! He said with a lost kitten look, "N-no sorry honey I should have never shown you that in the first place.... Let's go to sleep" and just like that the tired boy lay down and got to sleep.

"Hopefully he forgets about this night" said the sulking Mother.

A/n: thanks for reading plz vote and comment, and feel free for  recommendation. I know this was not Yoonseok but this was kind of a filler for something and something is going to happen in the next few chapters.😜

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