Chap.1 New foster family

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Yoongi was wearing a black dress and uneven pig tails, when Mrs Jung came to pick him up, his past foster mother's house was in all girls home.

Yoongi's POV.

I was in a car with Mrs Jung, she said she was going to be my new foster mom, hopefully she's nicer than my old foster mom, and makes good food unlike my old foster mom that just made me eat vegetables all the time, I thought to my self.

"We're here" She says and came to the back to undo my seat belt, Her house was big it was like a mini castle or something, I got distracted, that I didn't even know we were at the front door.

A/n POV.

The door opened up and right away two little kids came charging at them like bulls, "mama! Your home" A little boy said, why the hell is there blue shit on my beautiful first borns face, she thought while smileing.

Yoongi hid behind Mrs Jung's legs using them as shields, but the little boy noticed, "is that him?!" He yelled in surprise, "indoor voices sweetie" She quietly said,

"Honey can you introduce yourself"

Yoongi shyly went in front of the lady with his head down, "ugh I thought you said that I might be getting a brother" he bluntly stated, you ungrateful little piece of- Her thought got interrupted by a squealing little girl, " Yay! I got a baby sister! She said pinching Yoongi's cheeks.

I'm not a girl I'm a boy! Can't they know I mean I clearly look like a "boy", Yoongi thought while whining cuz the little girl was pinching his cheeks you hard.

"Princess can you stop that you might make him cry" The girls mother said a little worries, "ok first of all this is Yoongi a boy and he is older than both of you guys", she correct her children, "A boy?! But his so cute and small" Yoongi blushed at his words.

This little smartass better share his close with him because I'm too tired to buy guy clothes right now, she thought while yawning, "My name is Da-won I'mma be your little sister for now" She said then gived him sweat smile.

"And I'm Jhope!! I'm 6 years old" He said a little louder than inside voice, This kid, the mother thought while making a face.

And I'm nervous and kind of weirded cuz if the blue stuff on his face, I think it's paint, I guess I have to tell them my name even though the nice lady already did, Yoongi thought.

"I-im Yoongi and is 7 ywear old"

He's super cute! I'm must be really lucky then, Hoseok thought while staring in uwu at the small boy in front of him.

Hoseok ran to the smaller boy and hugged him and said "aww your cute let me show you your room it's upstairs" And than held his hand and "showed" Him the way, "wait for me guys" The little girl whined, while the mother just stared in cooed at the cuteness.

"Wait can he change first his still in a dress!!" The mother yelled, "mama indoor voice!" Hoseok yelled back, but the mother just glared while making a face. Hoseok just giggled while walking up the stairs with a confused Yoongi, He called you cute! Ugh why I'm I still thinking about that hopefully he has lots of toys though, he thought while holding Hoseok's hand.

A/n: the story starts of a little boring but it gets interesting later on trust me 😉, so I hope y'all enjoyed this.

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