Chap.9 just a little longer

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Yoongi was in his room that had some Kumamon figures and plushies, he was wearing a black shirt and gray sweat pants, reading comic Books that Jin lended him, and his trying to finish the serie,

He liked reading it was peaceful for him and he was really into his comic,"I'm home!!!'' A voice was heard from down stairs, Yoongi knew that voice was From his stepbrother Hoseok so he put his comic down and went down stairs because he hoped, he brought dinner, cause their mother worked more and didn't have much time to cook as often.

Their father moved with their sister he still sends them money, and their sister visits some times, "did you bring food?" Yoongi asked when he came down stairs, seeing Hoseok on the couch, "well Hello to you too" Hoseok was wearing black tight pants and a black and gray long sleeve shirt, "Mom's not home yet?" Hoseok questions Yoongi.

"Hello, and no eomma is not home yet" Yoongi said about to walk of to the kitchen, "aren't you forgetting something" Hoseok says with a smirk, Yoongi turned around and looked down, and then started walking to his "brother", and then straddled his lap, Hoseok ruffled Yoongi's mint green hair,

Yoongi blushed,

The smaller boy put his hand on his younger stepbrother's neck then kissed his lips, it was a short kiss,  he did get me adopted, and I guess he didn't forget, Yoongi made that excuse a lot by thinking it's because he got me adopted and what he said, to keep kissing him.

Yoongi then nuzzled his face in the crook of  Hoseok's neck while hugging his waist, he smell good like mint oreo's, Yoongi thought while taking a wiff of Hoseok's sent, "well I guess someone likes my new cologne" Hoseok chuckled "Cute. are you ok Yoong's", he asked smiling, "yeah, I just have been feeling a little tired lately", Yoongi spoke softly.

"well let's go eat then" Hoseok said, he knew how the boy felt about him and how he was dangerously playing with the innocent boys emotions, he felt how Yoongi would want to kiss longer,(Touch me noooooooow~-...) and how clingy he would get with only him, which he didn't mind what so ever.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Hoseok asked, well I really wanna finish my comic, but I want to spend more time with you, Yoongi thought before nodding, he layed his head on his stepbrother's lap and layed down on his side,

It was now like 8:30 something and they were watching a pretty amateur movie, about a blue alien with a big head and his talking fish robot friend, and then Yoongi turned his body and now he was staring at Hoseok's jawline, wow that could cut someone Yoongi thought,

Yoongi knew that he has been getting a little needier than usual he just didn't know why, "well sense you said to were tired you should go to bed soon" Hoseok said looking down at the boy's head on his lap, "can we stay like this just a little longer" Yoongi said looking up at Hoseok.

The door was suddenly unlocked "guys I'm home!" The mother announced as she locked the door, "oh hey mom" Hoseok said moving Yoongi's head aside and going to his mother, making Yoongi whine a little, "dinner's on the table let me heat it up for you" the heart shape smile boy said softly.

A/n: I'm so sorry this chapter was boring😅 when I was in the middle of writing this my mom called me to do the dishes😑 and I kind of lost my train of thought when I came back,

But please Vote and comment😊.

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