Chap.4 Crush

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A/n: so in this chapter Yoongi gets a crush on someone unexpected 😏

"Oh really good cause I was thinking just that" Hoseok's Mother told her son "Really so you can adopted him"!  Hoseok said exactly with hope in his eyes.

That after noon was spent in the court going through the adoption, it took about in hour Min Yoongi had a lot history, it was when they got back that they were surprised.

"Ok kids were back" The Mother said as she parked in the parking garage,  they went in the house surprisingly, the door was already unlocked, that's weird I could of sweared that I locked it before we left, "surprise!!, honey I'm home!" The Mother gasped in surprise and ran and hugged her husband,  "your back from the business trip already?!!" She Exlamed excitedly,  "daddy!!" Your home two little kids shouted,  "yes I am on a 2 month vacation" He said while smiling,  and then he noticed a little boy looking down at his feet.

This must be Mr. Jung I'm to scared to look up and see what he looks like, what if he don't know bout me and don't like me like, Yoongi's thought got interrupted by a voice,

"Who's this little guy" The Man said "I called and texted you already about him and how you have an adopted son" The lady pulled back and said annoyed, "ohh right so you must be Yoongi, right?" The Man said and Yoongi finally looks up, "Y-yes I am Mr Jung" The boy said shyly, " Well you can call me Appa" He said flashing a smile,  that made Yoongi's heart rate increase,  he blushed and said "ok,  appa-ssi"  The man just giggled at the cuteness,  while Hoseok just standing there with a bit jealous.

Its been 3 weeks, and yoongi has been getting close to the family, "good morning Yoongi" Hoseok's words were heard in the kitchen, Yoongi quickly looked up and remembered and walked in front of the smiling boy and kissed His lips, "Morning" Yoongi said shyly, what?! I forgot all about that, Hoseok thought while cooeing,

The mother was not paying attention to what was going on in front of her, "where's appa" the smaller boy said which made Hoseok's smile disappear, "in the shower, why?" Hoseok said bitterly, Yoongi was confused on the change in attitude.

"I wrote him a poem which I would like to share in the living room" Yoongi said trying to sound confident.

That's how The Jung family was gathered up in the living room staring at a clearly nervous little boy, "I um this is a P-poem for appa Yoongi said, "everytime he hugs me my heawrt goes louder and everwy time he gives me kisses on the cheek I began to stutter, I think I love him and I hope he loves me too", everyone just went silence until the Mother starts laughing uncontrollably, "don't laugh" Yoongi said "sorry honey I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at my husband" she said catching her breath "I think he has a little crush on you" the mother said to her husband,

"I think he just loves me hone, and of course I love you too come here" Mr Jung said and Yoongi's face light up, "Rweally" Yoongi said sitting on his lap, "yes" the Man said and Yoongi was so happy, He put his hand around the Man's neck and pull himself up to his level and kissed him for about 4 seconds.

Yoongi pulled away thinking he did the right thing, omo I just kissed him I'm so brave and awesome hopefully he likes it b'cause I liked it.
so he looked down blushing and smiling, But the Man just pulled Yoongi's arm away and got up and put the boy on the couch and walked away without saying a word,

Yoongi was confused but not mad he justed sit up straight and turn to the Mother who was still inshock, but He just ask," Bu-in Eomma when I grow up will I Marry Appa" he asked smiling,

" no honey, because I'm already married to him, but when you're older you will find your own daddy". She said and right after she she realized what she said, "I-i mean your own lover" the Mother tried to correct herself, "OK" and just like that He let it go and walked away.
What in the name of anime just happen!!the mother internally screamed.

A/n: hints on the next  chapter it's about How Hoseok feels about when Yoongi had a crush on his father.

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