chap.11 what I'm feeling

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Flashback: "I have something important to talk about" Yoongi said over the phone to seokjin.
End of flashback..


Yoongi heard the door bell ring , since his room was closer to the stairs he went up and went downstairs to get it, feeling nervous having an idea of who it might be.

And he was right, "Yoongi! I don't know why it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you, we literally had school a little while ago",

Jin talked as they were making there way upstairs.


"So yeah.. that's h-how I've felt" Yoongi finished looking down, not wanting to make eye contact after exposing himself.

When they got to Yoongi's room they sitting on his bed right away, and Yoongi started talking about how he think he like likes his stepbrother, discribing when Hoseok cuddles him, he feels safe and warm, and how when he randomly, plays with his hair his heart skips a beat.

Yoongi finally looked up after hearing nothing but silents, expecting a look of disgusted or worse but he didn't expect to be tackked on the bed,

"J-jin-hyung i can't-" Yoongi got interrupted by his breathing when Jin sitted up again,

"Sorry, I just couldn't help it! Like I could feel a little tension between you two, but now I'm fully positive!" Jin beamed, making Yoongi giggle,

"So your not mad?" Yoongi asked when be finally sitted up,

"Of course I'm not! I'm proud of you for sharing your feelings" Jin said then smile after, "then what do you think I should do, I mean I'm sure he doesn't feel the same" Yoongi said and then pouted cutely,

"Yeah your probably right, he might even hate you" Jin said, "w-what?!" Yoongi said with wide eyes,

"Just kidding" Jin smirked, then laughed when Yoongi weakly hit his arm, " but is there anything special or bonding you two do together?" Jin asked curious,

Yoongi's pout disappeared and a blush creeped up warming his cheeks at the thought,

"Well we have been doing this thing for a while now, were I have to k-kiss him hello and goodbye" Yoongi admitted shyly, And Jin couldn't help but coo at the smaller boy,

"Aww you guys kiss each other on the cheeks goodbye?!!" Jin awe,

Yoongi looked into Jin's eyes blinkly, "no, we kiss on the lips Jin" he said, "aw you guys kiss on the- WHAT You've kissed on the lips!!!" Jin suddenly burst out,

"Shhhh don't yell, a-and is that bad?" Yoongi asked seeming more nervous now,

Jin calmed down realizing he was freaking out Yoongi by his out burst, "no Yoongi I'm just surprised that's all, have you guys gone more f-far other then kissing?", Jin asked, "what do you mean by far, we've only kissed, that's normal right?" Yoongi asked,

"Well who started the kissing thing?, Nevermind I'm guessing it's your brother", Jin stated,

"Yeah he did start it" Yoongi said, the blush on his face getting darker, "well that's a sign he might like you like you" Jin said with a bright smile, making Yoongi smile at the thought of his feelings being returned.

"So...h-how does he kiss you?" Jin asked slowly,

"Well at first it was more like a peck.. but then nowadays he started moving his l-lips for less than 5 seconds, I l-like when he does that", Yoongi admitted, Now Jin was blushing along with Yoongi, the atmosphere in the room rising a little.

"But his always the one to pull away first", Yoongi pouted, "and you want him to keep going to huh?" Jin asked, and got a nod as an answer,

"I-if you to practice, or show me how much you want it to last,.. i-im here," Jin suggested.

Yoongi looked a little surprise by that, Jin didn't necessarily have any romantic feelings for his smaller friend, but he didn't really know how to respond to the information he got, and just wanted to help.

"O-ok" Yoongi simply said, they looked into each other's eyes for few seconds, Jin not expecting that answer but feels the need to respond,

Yoongi was the first one to make the move,

He leened in and gived Jin a quick peck, and pulled away, if Jin wasn't paying attention he might have Missed it,

After a few seconds of silent, Jin chuckled, making Yoongi laugh, and they both Burst into laugher holding there stomachs,

After they caught there breath, kinda, they looked at each other again, "b-be serious" Yoongi said a little breathless, "ok ok, sorry" Jin sighed, and then they started leaning in again, when he felt Jin's plump lips on his, he started moving them,

So did Jin after 6 seconds they pulled away,

"I'll lead the kiss" Jin said Leaning in again, this time the kiss had a little more power to it, Jin was pretty sure this was how to do it since he figured Hoseok will probably be the lead, when they kiss,

Yoongi had his hands around Jin's neck and Jin had his hands on Yoongi's waist lightly, they pulled away again, "t-that was good, let me try something different", Jin said with hooed eyes as he watched Yoongi who had his eyes closed but nodded again,

Jin leaned in and started kissing Yoongi, but this time he bit Yoongi's lips,

Making Yoongi gasp and Jin without even realizing it automatically put his tongue in Yoongi's mouth,

This was new to them and they didn't exactly know were this was leading to, but both waited for the other one to stop are say something, but neither of them wanted to be the one who says it,

Jin started to move his tongue making Yoongi Moan in surprise, Yoongi also moved his tongue,

Following what Jin did, but he seemed to feel like he lost at something, when Jin moved his tongue with more force and power, Yoongi letting him take over, while they both let out tiny whines, or try breath through there noses,

Jin's free to explore the Youngers mouth, and he tasted something sweet, and he liked it, he always had a sweet tooth.

Both caught up in the heated kiss that they didn't notice the door opened,

They pulled away when they ran out of breath, a string of saliva connecting there lips,

Breathing heavily and looking at each others flush faces, and Yoongi giggled,

"L-like that Hyung?" Yoongi said said when his breathing calmed down, "nope that's not what I came here to see, Yoongi", Hoseok said darkly standing at the door,

Jin and Yoongi's neck snapped so fast to look at the dood, that it's a surprise that none of their necks broke in the process.

A/n: bonjour!! Sorry if I've been gone a....(*clears thought*) "while" I was working on my other book,
This chapter ended on a cliff hanger soooo... Yeah 😉

But i was not expecting to write that, I'm the writing that just goes along with my hand and let what's on my mind or a mood for a chap.

Like even if I plan ahead I might write the complete opposite of my plan, like this was surpost to be a emotionàl chap but my brain or hand had other plans..😁😀😂

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