Chap.10 Oppa.

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A/n: umm.... You know what I'll let y'all be surprised, not really.

"Ahh~  fuck Hoseok f-faster", a boy tried not to be loud, as Hoseok was pounding into him to slow for his liking, the boy was pinned against the wall half naked so was Hoseok, and his arms and legs wrapped around Hoseok, they were in the janitors closet skipping there last period.

"What did you call me?" Hoseok asked in a low tone panting, now Thrusting even slowly, "I'm s-sorry, Oppa Ah! p-please" The boy begged, sexually frustrated with the teasing,

"Please what?" Hoseok asked teasingly,

"F-faster oppa faster!" The boy whined   "good boy" Hoseok praised now going unbelievably fast, the boy became a moaning mess he was muffling his own sinful sounds in his oppa's shirt, "I-im close" The boy stuttered out "M-me to baby boy" Hoseok said his breathing unsteady, now his thrusts getting sloppy as he was close to his high, "Oppa~!!" The boy let out a high pitch moan and released on himself and his oppa, Hoseok thrusted a few more times then also released inside the boy with a loud moan, making the boy let out  airy moan as his oppa filled him up.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting" Yoongi asked annoyed, "so I was busy helping a friend" Hoseok said and then chuckled, "I'll see you later Opp- I mean Hoseok" A boy back hugs Hoseok.

"Yoongi you remember Jimin right?" Hoseok asked once Jimin let go and stranded next to him, "aww I remember this Cutie" Jimin cooed while smiling.

"Oh yeah, Jimin" Yoongi said with a no expression face, Jimin was about to walk away but Hoseok pulled him back and whispered,  "my big bro is off limits,  his to innocent" And let Jimin go.  "What did you tell him Hobi?" Yoongi asked not seeming to interested though.

"I-i uhh" Hoseok stuttered, "never mind that I'm Hungry, let's go get food" Hoseok quickly changed the topic, Yoongi just shrugged it of and started walking to their car.

They were at 'Mejor de' ( i legit justo camello up with this restaurante Name) a kind oficial fast food place Yoongi Was stuffing his face with Churro's while Hoseok was just drinking his milk shake, "I guess you were hungry" Hoseok chuckled at his Hyungs face, Yoongi swallowed the food that was in his mouth, "whatever" He said.

"You want one?" Asked looking away which made Hoseok smile,  "yeah sure, ahh" Hoseok said now with his mouth open, waiting.

Yoongi blushed then fed Hobi, "wait" Hoseok said before Yoongi put his hand away, Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hand, "w-what are you doing-" Yoongi was interrupted by Hoseok sucking his index finger.

Yoongi let out a quiet gasp and pulled away, "t-that w-was gross" Yoongi said but his face was dusted a cherry pink. Hoseok giggled.

The  boys were now home and Yoongi ran upstairs, he was now in his room his back on his bed, he got his phone to call his bff Jin, he needed to get something of his chest.

"Hello" He said, when he heard breathing on the other line, "hey Yoongi, why didn't you text me? You don't like phone calls"  Jin responded.

"Well this is really important, and I'm confused" Yoongi said,

"Yoongi you okay? Is it about puberty?" Jin whispered the last part "what? No I'm calling cause I'm confused about my feelings, ugh it's hard talking about this, but I can trust you" Yoongi admited.

To be continued...

A/n:  do you guys know what the really important conversation is :))) welp if y'all don't just wait.

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