Chap.3 A kiss

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A/n: This is a Yooseok and its supposed to be "innocent" ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Hoseok and Yoongi were coloring  in the living room and Hoseok finished first and now he was looking at Yoongi's  Small and cute face and how smooth it must be "You done coloring yet?" he asked, Yoongi turned around with his coloring page and gived Hoseok a gummy smile.

That smile made Hoseok's heart skip a beat, "yeah you like, Hobi" Yoongi questioned, "Hobi?" Hoseok said confused, "Y-yeah its my nick name for you" Yoongi looked down now shy.

"I like the nick name" Hoseok said now in front of the small boy, Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's face not thinking of his actions, and kissed his lips with a big Smooch, and when he pulled away he regretting it right after, Yoongi's face was red and confused,

what have happened why did he, I mean Bu-in Eomma said it was not wrong but his my foster brother, my big brother never kissed me on the lips, is it because his not my real brother? I have been wanting to kiss a boy Ever sense I saw the cartoon ( it's anime, I just couldn't) that Bu-in eomma and me watched.

"W-why-" Yoongi's words got cut off by Hoeseok's words "uhh b-because I-im your step brother now" Hoseok made an excuse panicking, and From now on you have too Kiss me Hello and Goodbye,  b'cause I'm gonna tell mom to adopt you.  

Adopted me?  I mean really I like this family they have good food and toys,  but where does he want me to kiss him, Yoongi thought innocently.

There was a few seconds of silence before Yoongi asked, "Where?" Hoseok was confused at first and then was like "ohhh I would l-like it on the L-lips but you can kiss you on the cheek if you would like,..... "Ok" Hobi said,  Yoongi just nodded.

Omo he accepted it this is so awesome!  I don't regret kissing him anymore, Hoseok thought while going back to coloring.

A/n: omg welp... That escalated quickly 😳 I wonder how the mothers gonna react to this wait till the next chapter 😉 vote and coment thanks for reading.

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