Chap.17 Wednesday 🐪 day!

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The ride home felt like forever with how quiet it was. Yoongi didn't know if the other was still upset with him or not. He was about to turn on the radio until- "let's make black bean noodles when we get home instead of eating out today", Hoseok declares as they near the house. "O-okay!" That's all Yoongi could manage to muster up.

They were now in the kitchen getting some ingredients. Hoseok opens a cabinet full of shelves upon shelves of noodles, it was their idea as kids. It would always on sell, so would saving their money and collect them.

they both reached for the same packet of noodles, so their hands glazed together.

"We can make a big bowl of it, so it's easier." Yoongi says, turning pink, "r-right" Hoseok responds allowing his Hyung to take the packet.

'What am I supposed to do now!? I left Jimin, sweet, sexy Jimin, am I crazy?! Hyung is to innocent for me, not to mention his part of this family...' Hoseok ponders, as he gets some water boiling. He gazed back at his older stepbrother who was in the middle of making some green onion kimchi.

'But he also cute, awkward, and... fuck' the taller male walks near his Hyung without realizing it.

"Need some help?" He asks behind the other. Yoongi turns around facing the other, "I actually just finished, I just need to cover them" The older says, while taking off the cloves he used.

Hoseok traps the other using his body, so now his Hyung was between the counter and him. Yoongi couldn't make eye contact under the intense look that the other blared out. "Hyung.... Look at me" Hoseok speaks out weakly.

That was the last piece of the puzzle to get them to put their lips together.

It was desperate, but somehow gentle, as Hoseok grabs the other's hips and put it on the counter, Yoongi moaned while wrapping his legs around the other.

They broke the kiss, causing Yoongi to whine lowly. "Y-you said you wanted the kisses to last longer right?" Hoseok asks, with hooded eyes. The mint haired one didn't hesitate to nod, Hoseok whisperes a "hold on tight" and before Yoongi could get both of his arms on top of the other's shoulder, he was being lifted and walked to the couch.

As soon as Yoongi's back landed on the couch, their lips were back on each other.

Hoseok entered his mouth forcefully with a groan, the one below could feel it, he could feel their hard clothes members rub together so sweetly.

"Ah~ yes, keep moving up like that~" the one on top moans in the other's mouth.

Yoongi didn't even realize he was doing that. All he knew was that it felt really fucking good, even when their was a walk of clothes between them, it was easy to tell go excited thru both were.

They paused their make out as Yoongi hugged the other tighter. "Hah~ H-hobi, more!" He pants out, as his eyes water, all these new sensations were building way too fast, and way too intensely. "Yeah, yeah~ you feel so good Hyung!" Hoseok lets out, as he thrust downwards more vigorously, receiving blissful friction.

Yoongi was getting dazy, "T-too much! I'm scared, Somethings coming!~" his eyes were now filling up with tears, as Hoseok smooshed their lips together once more, swallowing the noises he was making. "Oh~" groans come from Hoseok, as the sound of continuous humping grew more erotic. "I'm close to cumming too!" He expresses, squeezing the others waist tighter.

A loud hissing noise made Hoseok stop at his movements in a panic, than quickly got up from the other. "Shit the water!" He screams out, while wobbly legs make it to the kitchen to turn the stove off. "Woah, that was close, right Hyun-" Hoseok turns around to see Yoongi sitting up, with tears nonstop. "Why'd you suddenly...hic" His Hyung whimpers, close to bowling, as he cried. Before Hoseok could get a word in, Yoongi ran upstairs, "wait!-" Hoseok shouts, quickly wiping his hands.

The door to Yoongi's room was closed and locked? which shocked the other, he didn't even know that the other's door had a lock in the first place.

"Yoongi-Hyung open up please," Hoseok asks pitifully.

No answer, with a heavy sigh, he goes back downstairs. 'That's two people that ran away from me today, smooth...' he sits on the couch with his palms to his forehead.

Not wanting to have any more thoughts to torment him, he decides to text his friend.

A/n: I don't really know what to says so...
Thank you for reading and see you next time, on DISNEY CHANNEL 💙💫🧚‍♂️

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