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It was early the next morning and Kojiro had asked Koaru to meet him at their spot. And obviously you were dragged with. Koaru and you drove on his motorbike. Koaru was leaning on it and looking at Kojiro, who was facing the wall.

"Check this out, these wheel marks are from when I was perfecting my crab-snatchers." Kojiro says touching the skid marks that tattooed the wall.

This had been their spot since their highschool days, they had been close ever since, maybe a bit too close if you say so yourself.

"So many memories..." Kojiro speaks up again, reminiscing. "Ah man, I'm pretty sure this is where you nailed your first laser flip isn't it?"

"Do you realize how many times we've challenged Adam to a race since he's returned to Japan?" Koaru says, now leaning against the fence. "Way to change the subject uncle Koaru..." You say more to yourself, but it still earns you a look. You raise your hands in a mocked surrender.

"Yeah and he never gets back to you." You reply for Kojiro. "Do you think there's a reason for it..?" Koaru says talking to Kojiro.

"Honestly? I think he's terrified of having his ass handed to him." Kojiro says smirking when he sees my reaction.

"Yeah...I'm not so sure that's it." Koaru says, sounding distant.

"Well what then?" You ask.

"I'll have to see for myself.."


Kaoru had let you go to Reki for the night while they all went out to S. You wanted to go check up on him since you got not reply to your previous messages.

His mom was always fine with you coming over and she was also worried about her boy so she let you in straight away.

"Reki..?" You quietly knocked on his bedroom door. There was some shuffling and then his door slid open. He looked pathetic. His hair was more messy than normal. He looked like he hadn't slept properly in days.

"Asami, what are you-"

You walked in before he could finish his sentence. "I want to spend time with you and also find out what's been keeping you from S."

"It's nothing you need to worry about."

You gave him a look, but the more you looked at his face you realised what it was. You sat on his bed and patted next to you for him to sit down. He looked at you. "It's with Langa isn't it?"

And that's when he broke. The tears brimmed in his eyes and you just opened your arms to give him a hug.

After a while he calmed down.

"You don't have to say anything, I know what's wrong...But really Reki, go talk to him, he's worried about you. And he cares about you. So go. Go and cheer him on because I know he really needs your support right now." You push Reki up and fix his hair and grab his skateboard for him.

"What about you though?" Reki asked.

"I'll be okay. I'll stay here."

Reki starts making his way out of his bedroom when he turns around. "Thank you Asami, you're the best."

All you could do was smile because deep down you knew that he cared more about Langa then he did you...

You snuck to S anyway, you needed to be there in case your uncle went up against Adam. The crowd was insane. You stood to the sideline, in the shadows, you didn't want Adam to see you. Just the sight of him made your anxiety run wild.

"I've been waiting for this." You heard your uncle say. "Best of luck to you."

"This is a mistake you know. You're not the one I wanted to fight." Adam says, sounding ever so disappointed.

"You've been dodging a beef with me for a long time and count this as revenge for Asami."

"What makes you say that?" Adam questions sounding cocky.

"You know it's true." Cherry says angry.

"Cherry!" Joe called out sounding worried. He runs up to Cherry but then hesitates when he sees Cherry just staring at him.

"Back off needy gorilla, you're smothering me." Cherry says, in his own kind way. "Don't fret about Adam, I'll ruin him. You'll see."

"If you lose, I'll never never stop laughing at your ignorance." Joe responds.

"Do me a favor, don't get frustrated and work out too much muscle brain."

You roll your eyes at their banter.

"Um. Not that it isn't adorable but how long does the little comedy act go on? I believe it's time to start the race." Adam says sounding righteous and above everyone else.

Cherry and Joe glance at him.

"Please be careful." You whisper as Joe says it in unison with you. "Adam's not the competitor he used to be" Joe says.

"As if you needed to tell me that." Cherry says.

The countdown began and then they were off. Going at an incredible speed. You decided to follow along the track, you needed to be there in case.

You felt sick, something was going to happen, you could feel it.

You ran back, "Joe!"

"Asami what are you doing here?"

"I'll tell you later, but we need to go, I feel like Adam is going to try something."

The both of you then rushed to get the car.

You were watching the race on your phone to find out where your uncle was. "No no no, he did it. He did the love hug."

There was silence as you watched. "He closed his eyes!" You started to freak out. "If his eyes are closed he can't be blinded by the illusion." Joe says to you as you both waited in the car.

"He dodged it..." You say in both shock and admiration.

You both were completely silent as you felt the tension rising.

"He never used to skate this dangerously in the past, this is new." Joe says, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Then why's he doing it?" You ask.

"Who knows. But I do know that now...I don't want anything to do with the creep."

You feel your muscles tense up as Adam starts to pick up speed. But fear hits you when you notice him start to dance all over his board. Just like he did with you.

You watched in horror as Adam jumps off his board, spins start towards Cherry. You watch how the board hits your uncle right in the face, knocking him off his board completely. And just lies there. As Adam looms over him like a shadow. "No!" You shout and don't even need to tell Joe, he's gotten Shadow to drive the car as you and Joe are sitting there, panicked as ever.

You reach the spot where your uncle is.

Adam is still there but right now you are more worried about your uncle's safety than your own.

"Uncle Kaoru!" / "Kaoru!" 

Kaoru's nieceWhere stories live. Discover now