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You slowly walked up the stairs once Kaoru let you go. You got to the top of the stairs to see Kojiro sitting on the bed, looking almost like he was praying. When you stepped forward, not wanting to disturb him, the floor creaks. 

His head lifts up quickly at the sound. "Sorry Koji" You say quickly as you walk slowly towards him. He stands quickly and then stops you from going further. You gasp softly at the contact. 

"Sorry-" Kojiro says and lifts his hands. "It's fine Koji. Don't worry about it." 

"I ran you a bath so, take your time and call out to us if you need anything okay?" He says with a a small smile and walks passed you to start heading downstairs. He turns his head, "I'm glad you're back Asami." He doesn't give you a chance to respond and then walks down stairs. 

You walk out the room and then you walk across the small passage way and then walk into the bathroom. You turn and lock the door, you start getting undressed, not looking at the mirror because you know how bad you look. How broken and vulnerable you look. So vulnerable that Kaoru was worried if he said one wrong thing, you'd shatter like a piece of glass. 

The water stung your skin as you climbed in. But it felt nice, because it reminded you that you were home and safe.  You took all the time you needed, you stayed so long that you started turning into a prune. You found clean pajamas at the door, they were warm and fluffy. As if they had just been in front of a fire or heater. 

You finally finished drying your hair and then found your phone, which Kaoru or Kojiro had so nicely put on charge. 

You decided to walk downstairs again and missed the spot that creaks at the top of the steps. You overheard Kaoru and Kojiro talking quietly to one another. "No I can't tell her now, it will be too much for her to hear this as well." Kaoru said quietly but demanding. 

"Fine. But you are going to have to tell her eventually." 

Their backs were to the stairs so you made it to the bottom without them noticing. 

"Tell me about what exactly?" You say crossing your arms while on the last step. They both quickly spin around to face you. You flinched a bit when you finally noticed the bruising across Kaoru's face. His nose looked a bit dented, as if someone had smacked him across the face quick and hard with something. The bruising was a blue and purple, meaning...this happened just the other day. How hadn't you noticed this before? 

You stayed quiet but your expression gave it away and a quick breath was heard from your uncle as he turned away and walked to the kitchen. "Hey-" You call out as soon as Kojiro followed your uncle to the kitchen, "You still need to answer my question." 

"Kaoru, just tell her..." Kojiro said sounding tired. Kaoru stayed quiet. He slowly turned to face you. He just looked at you, you could see he was deciding which words to use to keep you safe from the truth. 

"He did this to you didn't he..." 

"Shit...yeah he did." Kaoru closed his eyes and slowly put his hand on his face. 

"Love hug?" You asked but you already knew the answer. 

Kaoru just nodding his head was enough of an answer. You slammed a fist down on the counter, "Goddammit!-" the slam moved plates causing them to go knocking off some other plates. They shattered on the floor and then a silence came over the room. 

No one moved. 

Everyone just stared at the shattered plates on the kitchen floor. It's ironic, you thought. Ironic that there were three plates on the floor, or what used to be plates. And here the three of you stood, as broken as the plates. 

All from different circumstances. 

All from different circumstances caused by the same person. 

The same person some call a monster. 

The same person some call the matador of love. 

The same person some call Adam.

Yet...there was always someone who pushed passed their own hurt, their own suffering. Just to help everyone else. That someone was Kojiro, the one who slowly started to pick up the broken plate pieces. 

Piece by piece the kitchen was tidy again. He then went to get a bandage to wrap your hand that you had cut on the glass. 

"When did it happen." Was all you could say.

"The day you disappeared." 

"Did you file a missing person's report?" 

"No. I knew he took you and the cops can do nothing to him." 

You felt your heart drop. Your uncle was right but he still could've tried. "Oh." 

You felt your breathing get more rugged, "I'm going to bed." You say and walk towards the stairs and go to your room. 

"Asami, now hang on. let me explain!" Kaoru says walking after you but Kaoru grabs his arm. "Ru, just let her think. She's stressed and she's trying to cope." Kaoru wraps his arms around Kojiro's big build and the tears silently fall onto the orange and white, striped shirt. 

The house was silent that night, not even a hint of happiness left.

Kaoru's nieceWhere stories live. Discover now