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"bye stream!" you waved at the camera before wilbur reached over to his mouse amd clicked the 'end stream' button on obs. you sat back, forgetting that you were sitting on your best friend. "oh, shit, sorry, will." you quickly said, getting up. "i must've been heavy, huh-"

he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back down. "you're fine." he smiled at you.

"i'm so tired now." you said, sighing. "i forget how exhausting just chatting streams can be, especially when there's some catching up to do."

"you can sleep over~" he winked.

"you're acting like my room isn't like 100 feet away."

"stay over." he simply said, looking you in the eyes. you couldn't help but blush at the sudden eye contact whilst hearing his demand.

"will, come on. don't be a baby." you huffed. "i have my own room, and we'll be seeing each other everyday for a while."

"i'm not being a baby. you are." he deadpanned. "we're both adults here, i don't see the problem." 'spend the night with me' was the phrase itching to slip out of his mouth, but he kept it in. it sounded so... intimate, and as far as he could tell, you didn't like him the same way he liked you.

"fine." you huffed. honestly, to cuddle with a 6'5 teddy bear, it sounded like heaven on earth to you. you just weren't sure why he suddenly decided to be like this, not that you minded.

you took out your phone and started to chill on it while wilbur couldn't help but stare at one of his monitors, specifically the monitor that had obs open. he had his facecam on fullscreen, and all he could do was stare at how content you looked on his lap.

he glanced down, suppressing his sudden urge of wanting to plant soft kisses on your nape. he looked back at his monitor. it was late, you were on his lap in his hold, and he let his mind wander.

he gulped hard as he started imagining you on his lap facing towards him, seeing your naked back in the monitor in front of him. mirror sex; it had been one of his many fantasies. to have his hands roaming all over your upper body, he wanted it so bad.

you let out a small giggle while scrolling through your phone, and he felt like his daydream was a reality. his face turned a light shade of pink as he imagined you grinding down on him softly, letting out small, teasing giggles every now and then.

you looked up at him, noticing how dazed he was as he stared into the monitor. "will?" you whispered, furrowing your eyebrows as you got no response. "will, are you good?" you asked again, to no avail. "will." you grabbed his face gently, slightly squishy his cheeks as you faced him towards you.

he let out a startled 'oh' as he looked at you, glancing down at your lips. he held his breath, trying his best not to kiss you suddenly.

"are you okay? you spaced out and got red all of a sudden."

"yeah, i'm fine. just a little hot."

your eyes widened and you got up immediately, easily prying out of his arms because you caught him off guard. "shit, my bad." you apologized. "you should've told me you were getting uncomfortable."

wilbur stared blankly, wishing he had never said anything in the first place. "that's not what i meant. you weren't making me uncomfortable, love." the pet name slipped off his tongue so smoothly, neither of you registered it.

"since i'm up, let's get ready for bed, then?"

he nodded, his mind still replaying what just happened.


it felt a little awkward with the two of you on the same bed since it was the first time, but you were too tired to really care. "good night, will."

"g'night." he hummed.

after a while, the two of you laid still, but neither of you were asleep. you were laying with your back facing him. wilbur took this chance to put a careful arm around your waist. it surprised you, but you enjoyed the touch.

"will?" you whispered. "are you awake?" he didn't respond, wanting you to think he was asleep. you placed a gentle hand over his arm, rubbing his fingers gently with your thumb.

the two of you swore you felt each other's racing hearts, but thought that you were mistaking them for your own. the warmth of someone who loved you, you hadn't felt that in a while.


you were woken up by a bunch of giggles. you furrowed your eyebrows in annoyance as you forced your eyes open. you let out a gasp that woke up will, who was holding you tightly in his embrace.

"what's wrong?" he asked, sitting up and frantically looking around before stopping and frowning. "oh, you fucking pricks." he cursed, laying back down. "i gave you a spare key in case of emergencies."

"neither of you answering your phone after 3 rings at about 2pm on the day we're supposed to meet seems like an emergency to me." george said. "so when did this happen?" he asked, a smug smile resting on his lips.

"it was a sleepover." you simply said. "don't take those pictures out of context."

"pictures?" will asked. "what pictures?"

"i woke up because these little fucks couldn't stop giggling while taking pictures of us."

"i mean, it's for the memories." fundy shrugged.

"send me those later." wilbur mouth to george, who gave a very obvious thumbs up.


934 words

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