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your lip quivered as you got even more irritated before you heard the door start to open. you ran in front of it, almost crying from mixed emotions as wilbur simply looked down at you. your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you balled your fists on the side of you, gripping tightly on the hem of your shirt.

"you prick." you sneered, gritting your teeth slightly.

"hey, im sorry. im home now." he said softly, noticing how visibly distressed you were. he felt so, so sorry after seeing how worked up you were.

"you fucking douchebag." you whispered, biting your bottom lip to prevent the quivering in your voice from wanting to cry, but he had heard it already.

he sighed, taking a couple steps forward and placing a hand behind your head, the other hand behind you as he pulled you into a warm hug. "i'm sorry."

"i fucking hate you." you mumbled, wanting to cry because of all the pent up anger you had.

"i know. i hate myself, too. let's calm down a bit, yeah? we'll talk it out. i'm sorry for being such a coward and running away." he hugged you tighter. "come on." he spoke calmly, closing the door behind him as the two of you quietly walked over to a couch.

the two of you sat in silence. will never kept his eyes off you, while you on the other hand kept looking away, because you felt like bursting into tears at any moment.

"look, i like you." he finally said. "i've liked you for months. i was completely fine with bottling up my feelings and watching you go be happy with some other guy, but it was so hard every time i saw you get sad over some asshole who we both know didn't like you the way you liked them. you weren't happy with them, so i hated it. it was going so well until i saw you that day..." he bit down on his bottom lip, trying to find the right words to explain everything.

he glanced at your lips then looked back up at your eyes, even though you weren't looking back. "i ran away earlier because i got scared. it wasn't that i was scared you wouldn't like me back, it would be completely fine if you didn't, but all the jealousy and rage from seeing you act like that for a random guy... the fact that it made me ignore you- we're best friends even without my feelings. i neglected you, and you didn't like it. i wouldn't like it if you ignored me either, but my feelings got in the way and i just couldn't help it. god, i feel like such a dick."

he reached up to wipe a stray tear from your cheek. "y/n..." he whispered, cupping your cheek then quickly removing his hand. "fuck, i'm sorry." he said, fidgeting with his hands in his lap. "i saw you going around pubs looking for me. you actually found me, i was just hiding. i didn't want to face you just yet, but you're delusional, y'know that? ignoring tommy when he told you to stay home and wait for me, and then going around trying to find me all alone. it worried me so fucking much, so when i told you i was going to be home, i really was planning on going home, but it was mainly because i didn't want you going around random bars anymore... but on my way home, i got upset at myself again so i just went around the city looking at random things to distract me. i'm sorry, y/n, please look at me." he pleaded.

you did what he asked, frowning at how sad his eyes looked. "will..." you said sternly. he held his breath, waiting for the impact of a rejection. "if you hadn't run away, i could've told you this sooner. i love you."

"as a friend?" he asked, finding it extremely difficult to read your expression, letting out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"no, you fucking dunce. i like you the way you like me." he blinked as you just stared at him. you furrowed your eyebrows, just feeling absolutely exhausted from all the events that had happened today. "do you need me to spell it out for you? i have feelings for you, will. fuck all those other guys, you are the person i want to be with."

he smiled seeing you so serious. "you're so cute when you're angry. it makes you assertive, but you're just too small to be intimidating."

"don't make me take back my words, will." you said, trying your best to stay stern, but your lips betrayed you, warping into a small smile from being flustered after hearing him call you cute.

"you can't take back those words even if you wanted to." he cooed, sitting back on the couch. "you don't know how happy i am." he whispered, looking up at you. the relief he felt was just so immense, he couldn't put it into words even if he were the most literate person in the world.

"i'm hungry." you pouted, realizing you hadn't eaten the whole day.

his eyes widened as he guessed that was what happened. "let's order something, butttt it'll be my treat and much more if you agree to be my girlfriend."

"ew, why the hell would i agree to that?" you asked, scrunching up your face. his mouth gaped, unable to hide the shock and betrayal he was feeling until he noticed the smile spreading across your face. "i'm kidding. i'd love to be your girlfriend."

he pursed his lips. "no, i don't think so anymore. deal's off the table."

you raised your eyebrows, an amused smirk replacing your smile. "oh, is that so? okay, fine with me." you shrugged.

even though he knew it was a joke, he still felt more and more pain with every word you were speaking. "okay, can we stop this, it's actually hurting my feelings." he complained.

"okay." you laughed. "i'll be your girlfriend."

"oi." he suddenly said.

"hm?" you whispered in response.

he sat up, leaning towards you. he propped himself on one arm, his free hand grabbing your chin gently, making you look up at him. "y'know, y/n..." he whispered. your cheeks flushed feeling his breath fan your lips. "wanna know what i think?" a smirk rested on his lips. "i think you need to be kissed so hard, you can't remember your name."

"is that so?" you whispered sweetly.

"it is." he whispered back, closing the gap between the two of you.


the end :)
1121 words

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