Chapter 1

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Meredith and Derek's alarm clock goes off early that morning. Meredith hears it and groans to herself.

I don't feel good. I can't miss work though. I'm only an intern.

Meredith slowly pushes herself up into a sitting position after five more minutes of laying in bed.

Derek is already getting ready for the day and notices that she is still in bed. "Mer are you okay?"

"I don't feel too good." She says yawning.

"I'll call Richard and tell him you're staying home sick today."

"No I'll be fine! I can't miss work Derek. I'll just try to make it through."

"Mer... if you're sick you should stay home." Derek says concerned.

"If I can't handle it I'll come home." She says and stands up. She walks over to the bathroom and closes the door behind her. She looks at herself in the mirror and winces at her reflection. She looks super pale and sweaty. She feels the urge to throw up so she rushes to the toilet and lets it all out.

Derek hears her throwing up and rushes in and holds her hair back. "Mer, you should stay home and rest. You're sick."

Meredith coughs and throws up more. "I'm fine." She gets up and brushes her teeth.

After finishing getting ready they head towards the hospital. Meredith has rounds and gets assigned to scut once Bailey sees how sickly she looks.

"Grey if you're sick why on earth did you decide to come in? You better not infect my patients with your sickly self. You're on scut!" Bailey tells her.

"Bailey I'm fine!" Meredith coughs after she says that.

A few hours later Meredith is still doing charts and her eyes start to droop closed. She sits there with her head resting on her hand, feeling so sick.

My stomach hurts so bad. And I think my fever is higher. Also my throat is killing me. I feel so much sicker than this morning.

Meredith's stomach feels super queasy and she all of a sudden rushes to the closest bathroom and throws up. She hasn't been able to eat or drink anything all day. She tried to have a little something earlier but threw it up immediately.

Meredith just sits there next to the toilet for a while shivering. She is freezing. She feels really shaky and lightheaded also so she's scared to stand up. She knows she has a high fever.

Meredith's pager goes off. It's Bailey wondering where she is. There's no way she can get up and walk back over to where she was charting. She is feeling so dizzy.

I think I'm really dehydrated also. I should have listened to Derek and stayed home today. I don't feel well. I'm so cold.

Meredith's pager goes off again.

Meredith groans and forces herself off of the ground. She leaves the bathroom stall and sees herself in the mirror. She looks even worse than this morning if that's even possible.

Meredith's dizziness is getting worse the longer she stays standing. She ignores it and walks out of the bathroom. Once out in the hallway everything starts spinning and collapses to the ground.

Dr Bailey walks down the hallway in search of Meredith. She sees the young resident exit the bathroom.

She doesn't look too good. She looks like she's about to pass... Meredith! She just passed out!

Bailey sees Meredith collapse to the ground and rushes over to her.

"I need a gurney!" She yells. They get Meredith on the gurney and Bailey rushes her to an exam room.

Grey... you better not cause any problems. You better be okay!

I hope you liked! This will be a shorter story like 4-5 chapters I'm thinking!

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