Chapter 3

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The next morning comes and Dr Bailey comes into the room to check on Meredith and her vitals. Derek hears her come in and gives a small smile to Bailey.

"Hey Bailey. Do you need me to wake her up?"

"Yes please."

"Okay. She had a rough night last night. She was up a lot of the time throwing up. This flu is kicking her butt." Derek tells Bailey.

"I heard. Poor thing. I'm thinking of keeping her here one more night and then I'll discharge her tomorrow and she can recover at home." She tells him.

"I think that's a good idea. She really doesn't feel very well." Derek gently nudges Meredith awake. "Hey Mer, I need you to wake up sweetie. Dr Bailey is here to examine you. You can go back to sleep after."

Meredith moans when she wakes up. "I don't feel good." She says with a little whimper. "Bucket!" She weakly says all of a sudden. Derek puts a bucket under her chin and she throws up into it. Derek holds her hair back as she throws up.

"Ugh. I feel so disgusting." Meredith says softly.

"Hey. You're fine. You're beautiful even when you're sick. You just concentrate on getting better okay?" Derek tells her.

Meredith nods.

"Hey Mer, I heard you had a rough night. I need to check your vitals and quickly examine you. You can go back to sleep after. Also I'm going to keep you one more night and then you'll go home tomorrow."

"Okay." Meredith whispers.

Both Dr Bailey and Derek exchange glances knowing Meredith really must not feel well if she isn't fighting Bailey on staying one more night.

Bailey quickly checks her vitals and examines her. "Okay Mer, go back to sleep sweetie."

Meredith closes her eyes and falls back to sleep instantly.

"Derek she didn't fight me at all on staying one more night. Poor girl really does not feel well."

"I feel so bad for her. I want her to feel better." Derek gives Meredith a kiss on her sweaty forehead.

The day goes on a meals are brought in for Meredith. She attempts to eat them but just can't keep anything down at the moment. She doesn't have an appetite at all either.

"I can't eat this Derek. I'm not hungry. I feel nauseous." She says after eating a few bites.

"It's okay. Just rest. Just make sure you're getting water into you."

"I'll try." She says softly.

"That's my girl." Derek says.

Meredith falls back to sleep.

Night comes and Meredith sleeps the whole night only waking up a few times to throw up.

Dr Bailey comes in the next morning with discharge papers.

"Morning! Derek I have her discharge papers." Bailey says.

"Awesome. Let me wake her up." Derek gently rubs Meredith's shoulder to wake her up. "Mer, wake up sweetie. Dr Bailey is here with your discharge papers."

"I can go home?" Meredith asks weakly.

"You can Grey. But I want you to rest! Just because  discharging you doesn't mean you're better yet. You're still recovering from the flu. I'm going to take your vitals and then you'll be free to go once you sign these papers for me."

"Okay. I know." Meredith says softly.

Dr Bailey checks Meredith's vitals and then has her sign the discharge paperwork. She then takes Meredith's IV out of her.

"Okay Grey I'll see you when you're all better. Just lay in bed and make Derek do stuff for you! I don't want you doing anything yourself. I just want you to rest and get better." She tells Meredith.

Meredith nods. "Okay." She says tiredly.

"Okay. You're free to go Grey! Feel better." Dr Bailey leaves the room.

Derek helps Meredith out of her hospital gown and into her Dartmouth shirt and sweatpants. "I'm going to go grab a wheelchair for you. I'll be right back."

"I can walk." She protests.

"Wheelchair Meredith. It's not up for debate."

"Fine." She says.

He leaves the room and comes back a minute later. He helps her into the wheelchair and they leave the hospital.

He helps her get situated in the car and smiles at her. "Ready to go home Meredith?"

"Yes. I'm ready." She says smiling at him.

I hope you enjoyed!

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