Chapter 20

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Bailey finishes drawing blood from Meredith. She tells an intern to get the blood to the lab and put a rush on it.

"Okay Mer, let's get these scans." Bailey helps her onto the bed that is attached to the machine.

Meredith lets a few tears escape. "Bailey?" She whispers.

"Yeah Mer?" Bailey says softly to her.

"D-do you t-think it's spread?" Meredith asks fearfully.

Bailey sighs. "I really hope not Grey. But if it has spread I will do everything in my power to get you better. You're my intern. I want to continue teaching you but I can only do that if you get better."
Bailey strokes Meredith's bald head.

"Okay." Meredith whispers. "I'm scared."

"I know you are. We've just got to get you better." Bailey said. "Okay, I'm going to get you in the machine now and we're going to start."

Meredith sighs and nods.

Bailey pushes the button to move the bed inside the machine.

All of a sudden the door bursts open.

"Wait!" It's Cristina. "I want to keep her company."

Bailey nods and gives her a vest to protect herself with.

Cristina holds onto Meredith's foot. "Hey Mer, I'm right here okay? You aren't alone."

Bailey walks into the other room and starts the scan.


"Yeah Mer?"

"It's so cold in here." Meredith whimpers.

"As soon as you're done we'll bring you back to your room and under the covers."

"Okay." Meredith says with her teeth chattering.

After a little while the scans are up. Bailey sighs to herself.

Bailey walks into the scanning room and shakes her head at Cristina.

Cristina closes her eyes for a moment. She then takes control of the situation. "Let's get you out of there Meredith. Let's go get you back into bed."

They get Meredith onto the gurney and she pulls the blanket tightly around her body.

"Did it spread?" Meredith asks softly. "My head hurts!"

"Let's talk later Mer." Bailey says. "I'll get you some pain meds when we get back to your room."

Meredith nods sadly.

They bring Meredith back into her room and set her tucked into bed. They get her started on pain meds for her head.

"I'll be back in a while, Meredith." Bailey says and leaves the room.

"Cristina?" Meredith says while coughing.

"Yeah Meredith?" Cristina asks while stroking Meredith's head.

"Will you lay with me please?" Meredith asks her person.

"Of course I will." Cristina gets into bed, carefully avoiding all of the tubes and wires attached to Meredith. She hates seeing Meredith like this.

"If my cancer has spread more... I don't know if I'll make it... I don't want to die." Meredith says, crying. "I don't want to leave you guys."

"Don't talk like that Meredith! Of course you will get better! We just need to continue attacking your cancer."

"I just... so tired. I can't see a future for myself anymore. Like I always used to see myself winning a Harper Avery but now? It's not going to happen. Cause I'll be dead." Meredith says crying heavily.

"Nope, none of that! You are not going to die! You hear me Meredith Grey?! You will get better! I will not let you die. You'll still be an amazing surgeon and you'll win a Harper Avery. After me of course but you'll still win one." Cristina says sternly.

Meredith sighs. "It's just so hard. I hate being so sick! And I hate chemo! It makes me feel even worse. I hate throwing up Cristina. I just want to be better already! I'm so tired of all of this!"

"I know you are. I want you to be better already also." Cristina is holding Meredith close to her and stroking her back.

"Cristina? Do you think it's spread? Did you see the scans?"

Cristina hesitates for a moment. "I'm not sure Mer. But if it has, we will treat it even more aggressively."

"Okay." Meredith whispers. "I'm tired."

"Why don't you close your eyes and take a nap. I'm right here."

"Promise you won't leave me?"

"I promise. I'll stay right here with you." Cristina says, and continues rubbing Meredith's back. She watches her close her eyes. Cristina hears Meredith's breathing slow down and knows she's asleep. Cristina shakes her head at how fast Meredith has fallen asleep and knows it's all because of her cancer.

Dr Bailey gets the blood work results back and pages Derek to the conference room.

Derek arrives a few minutes later. "Has it spread?" He immediately asks.

"Sit down Derek." Bailey says.

"You're scaring me Bailey." Derek says.

Bailey sighs. "Derek, the results from her scan has shown that her leukemia has spread to her central nervous system. We have to start treating her more aggressively. She's going to receive chemo every day now. We have to do this so she has a chance at surviving this."

Derek puts his head in his hands. "This can't be happening. Why Meredith??? She has done nothing to deserve this. She has to survive, she has to."

"Like I told Meredith, I will do everything in my power to make sure she survives." Bailey tells Derek.

"Do you think she has a chance at beating this?" Derek asks softly.

"I hope so." Bailey says. "But honestly? I don't know. It's going to be very hard and will take even more out of her. But if anyone can beat it, it'll be Meredith that beats it."

"Does she know yet?" Derek asks.

"No, not yet. I wanted to have you with me when I told her." Bailey says.

"Okay. Let's go tell her now. She deserves to know." Derek says.

They get to Meredith's room and they see Cristina laying in bed with a sleeping Meredith.

"How's she doing?" Derek asks softly.

"She keeps whimpering in her sleep. Her head is really hurting her." Cristina says sadly.

"She's maxed out on pain meds." Dr Bailey says. "Cristina, wake her up. We need to talk to her."

"Do you have her results?" Cristina asks.

"Yes." Bailey nods. "Wake her."

Cristina wakes Meredith up and Meredith whines not wanting to wake up.

"My head hurts. I don't feel good." Meredith complains. "I want to go back to sleep."

"You can in a few minutes." Dr Bailey says. "Meredith, we have your scans."

"Has it spread?" Meredith asks with a terrified look in her eyes.

Dr Bailey nods. "It has, sweetie. I'm so sorry."

"Where?" Meredith whispers.

"It's in your central nervous system now Mer. We're going to treat it more aggressively and give you chemo every day now rather than a few times a week. I'm so sorry to tell you this Meredith. But I promise you that I won't let you go down without a fight."

Meredith looks over at Cristina. "I told you I was gonna die."

Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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