Chapter 23

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Bailey walks into Meredith's room pushing a medical cart containing Meredith's first dosage of IL2 chemo.

Meredith is sound asleep in her bed, not snoring as she doesn't snore when she's feeling sick. These days she rarely snores anymore. In any other situation Derek would be so happy that her snoring has stopped but he would rather her be healthy and snore.

Bailey goes over to Meredith's side and gently rubs her shoulder to wake her up. "Mer, wake up sweetie."

Meredith doesn't make any sign of hearing Bailey and continues sleeping.

"Meredith, I need you to wake up for me."

"Sleepy. Wanna sleep." Meredith moans.

"I know. I need to start you on your first round of IL2 and then you can go back to sleep. Where's Derek?" Bailey questions.

Meredith shrugs. "Dunno."

Bailey sees the exhaustion in her eyes. "Do you want me to stay with you for a little while so you're not alone?"

Meredith nods. She lets out a big yawn.

"Okay let me start this so you can go back to sleep sweetie. And then I'm going to check your vitals too." Bailey says. She connects Meredith to the new chemo and it starts slowly dripping into Meredith's body. Bailey then takes Meredith's vitals.

"Are you feeling okay Meredith?"

"My head hurts." She whispers. Her head is constantly hurting her these days because of the leukemia spreading to her central nervous system. She is constantly on pain meds to try and lessen the pain.

"Let me look at your chart to see if you can have any more pain meds yet." Bailey looks at her chart and frowns. "I'm sorry Grey, it looks like you were given more pain meds just an hour ago and you're maxed out on them. I'm so sorry sweetie. How bad is the pain? On a scale of 1-10?" Bailey sighs, feeling so bad for her sick intern.

"12." Meredith whispers with her eyes closed.

Bailey is saddened at how much pain her intern is in. Unfortunately with this round of chemo it's just going to get worse and she won't feel well also on top of the pain. "Oh Mer."

Meredith curls her body up into a ball and has tears running down her face. "Hurts." Meredith whispers, not wanting to speak too much with her head hurting too bad.

"I know sweetie. I wish I could give you more meds. I'm surprised these haven't helped you at all. Has it helped at all since they gave you them?"

Meredith shakes her head and immediately regrets doing so. She winces in pain and holds her head in her hands. "Make it stop. Please."

Bailey wishes she could give Meredith more pain meds but her body can't handle anymore at the moment. "I'm sorry Mer."

"Cold." Meredith whispers.

"Let me get you another blanket." Bailey gets another blanket and puts it on top of Meredith's other four blankets. Bailey gently rubs Meredith's cheek to comfort her.

Thirty minutes pass and Meredith is having a rough time with the chemo. She keeps throwing up and is so nauseated.

"Bailey, I don't feel well." Meredith cries.

"I know sweetie, I know. Try to sleep." Bailey says comfortingly. "Close your eyes Mer."

Meredith closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep.

Bailey wipes away a tear that has fallen down her face. She hates that her intern is so sick.She really hopes that Meredith can beat this. Everyone would be so sad if she were to die. The hospital wouldn't be the same.

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