Chapter 11

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TW: emetephobia

The next day arrives and Meredith is still sleeping even though it is 11am. Derek has been awake since 8am and keeps checking on her to make sure she is still breathing.

He knows he needs to wake up her any minute because Cristina is coming over in 15 minutes. He just can't bare to wake her up. She's always so exhausted and it'll just get worse.

Derek looks at his watch again and sighs as he sees it's 11:05. "Mer, sweetie. Time to wake up. Cristina will be here in a few."

Meredith just shakes her head no in her sleep. "Don't feel good. Wanna sleep."

"What doesn't feel good?" He asks softly.

"Belly feels nauseous." She mumbles. All of a sudden her eyes open wide and she frantically searches for a bucket. "D-Der."

Derek realizes what's going on and quickly grabs her a bucket but gets it to her a minute too late. She starts crying while she throws up more. Though this time she manages to throw up into the bucket.

At that exact moment Cristina walks into the room, having let herself into the house. She sees the scene in front of her and freezes for a moment before going into doctor mode. "Derek, what can I do to help?" She asks him as he is gently rubbing Meredith's back and holding her hair back.

"It's okay Mer. Shhh. Let it out baby." He says to Meredith who is still crying. To Cristina he says "Can you grab her a new pair of pajamas please? She threw up all of these."

Cristina grabs the requested pajamas and shops Derek away. "Go clean yourself up Derek." He had managed to get some of her throw up on him also. He nods and kisses the top of Meredith's head and leaves.

"Hey Mer. Let's get you cleaned up sweetie." Cristina says to her person, her heart breaking at seeing her person in this state.

"C-Cris... don't feel good." Meredith whimpers.

"I know, I know. Let's get these new pajamas on you. That'll feel much better than these dirty ones."

Cristina gets Meredith cleaned up and in clean pajamas. Meredith is half asleep the whole time, not responding much to Cristina's attempts at conversation. She feels so bad for her person and wishes there was some way she could make it easier for her.

"Mer, wanna watch movies in bed today? You can lay here and just relax." Cristina asks.

Meredith's eyes widen. "Don't leave me. Don't want you to go." She says weakly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm kicking Derek out of his place in the bed and I'll lay here with you. Sound good?"

Meredith nods. "I'm tired."

"I know you are. You can sleep if you want. I'll be here."

Meredith closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Derek comes back in a few minutes later. "How is she?" He asks.

Cristina sighs. "She's exhausted. She doesn't feel well at all."

"I guess her chemo caught up to her." Derek said.
"You good in here with her?"

"Of course I am. Now go."

"Let me know if you need anything or if anything happens. How is her pulse right now? I'm going to check it." He comes over and checks Meredith's pulse.

Cristina softens. "Nothing will happen Derek. I've got her. She'll be okay." She looked at her sleeping best friend and smiled at her.

Derek leaves the room reluctantly then and Cristina turns on the tv.

"Oh Mer, please get better. I need my person." She says to Meredith's sleeping form.

Derek constantly returns to check on Meredith and each time Cristina makes him leave saying Meredith's fine.

Two hours later Derek comes back into the room to check on Meredith but Cristina glares at him.

"Derek, she's fine. She's breathing. Don't worry, I'm paying attention to how she is. I'm checking her vitals every half hour. I promise you that she is fine."

"Has she been sleeping this whole time?"

"Yeah. She's been sound asleep, not even any snoring coming from her." Cristina said.

"She doesn't snore when she doesn't feel well, which is all the time now." He goes over to Meredith and places a kiss on her forehead.

"Do you need anything?" He asks Cristina.

"I'm good but thank you though."

"Do you want to stay for dinner? Maybe you can help me get her to try to eat. She hasn't had any appetite lately and she's just thrown everything up that she's attempted to eat. She would barely eat in the hospital because of this."

"Sure I'll stay. And she needs to eat. She needs to keep her strength up to be able to fight the cancer." She looks worriedly at her friend. "Derek, I can already tell she's lost weight. She needs to eat. What about a feeding tube?"

"I've told her that she'll get a feeding tube if she keeps losing weight and she's trying but she's just not able to keep anything down. That will happen soon most likely. Dinner is ready now so let's get her up."

Cristina gently shakes Meredith's shoulder. "Mer, time for dinner. Time to wake up."

"No. Sleep." She continues to keep her eyes closed.

"Mer, you need to wake up. I need you to eat something baby." Derek says to her.

"I'm not hungry." She says softly.

"I know you aren't hungry but we need to keep your strength up to fight the cancer. I made you your favorite soup."

"Chicken noodle?" She mumbles.

"Of course, I made my mom's recipe just for you. I know how much you love it. Can you try to eat a little please?"

"I can try." Meredith says weakly and opens her eyes.

Cristina helps her sit up and Derek picks her up and brings her downstairs.

Meredith tries taking a few bites of her soup. "Yummy." She says softly.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Derek says smiling at her.

"Thanks Mommy for making me soup. I don't feel good. Can I go lay down Mommy?" Meredith asks, delirious.

Derek and Cristina look at each other all nervous.

"Meredith are you okay?" Derek asks.

"Don't feel well Mommy. When's Daddy coming home? Mommy I feel really warm."

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