Chapter 12

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Cristina looks over at Derek worriedly. "Derek she needs to go to the hospital NOW!"

Derek's eyes are wide open and staring at Meredith. "Mer, we're going to go to the hospital and get you checked out."

"I don't want to go to the hospital! Hospitals scary! Want to stay home here with mommy." Meredith said still delirious.

"You will be just fine! I promise." Cristina says. "Derek, she's not okay."

"I know." He says to Cristina. To Meredith he says "Mer, you're mommy is waiting for you at the hospital."

Meredith's eyes light up. "Really? Okay! Let's go!" She allows Derek to carry her to the car.

They drive to the hospital while Cristina calls Bailey and describes the situation.

Dr Bailey meets them at the pit entrance with a gurney.

"Hi Mer! We're going to check you out and help you feel better okay sweetie?" Dr Bailey says.

"No needles! I want Mommy!" Meredith says starting to cry.

"It'll be okay Meredith. It won't hurt."Bailey says. "Your mommy is waiting for you inside."

Meredith seems to snap out of her delusion that she's in. She makes a confused face at Bailey. "My mother is dead. She's not waiting inside for me."

All three of them let out a big sigh of relief at the fact that Meredith is no longer delirious. Bailey pushes the gurney that Meredith is on towards an exam room.

"Why am I here? I want to go home. It's not chemo day yet." Meredith says.

"We need to run some scans Mer. You were really delirious for a while. I want to make sure that you don't have any brain mets in you. We need to make sure the cancer has not spread." Derek says.

"You think it's spread?" Meredith asks worriedly with tears coming to her eyes.

"I don't know. We will find out and if it has spread we will fight it. I promise you that Meredith." Derek says holding her hand.

Bailey prepares a thing of fluids and antiseptic to clean Meredith's arm with. She goes to clean Meredith's arm when Meredith jerks her arm away when Bailey gets close.

"Mer, I need to clean the site before I put the IV in you."

"No! No IV! It hurts!" Meredith says starting to cry. "No needles! Please!"

Cristina cups Meredith's face in her hands. "Hey, look at me. You are going to be just fine. Let Bailey do this."

"I don't like needles Cristina!" Meredith says starting to cry harder.

"I know you don't. But it'll help you. We need to get more fluids into you."

"I don't like being sick!" Meredith said sobbing.

"I know, none of us like seeing you sick." Cristina says softly. "Will you let Dr Bailey put the IV in you please Mer?"

"I guess." Meredith reluctantly gives her arm to Bailey who starts cleaning it and then inserts the IV.

Dr Bailey then examines Meredith and after she's done wheels Meredith's gurney to the CT room. She has Meredith move onto the CT bed.

"Bailey?" Meredith says looking at Bailey's face. It's just the two of them in the room now.

"Yeah Grey?"

"I'm scared that the cancer has spread. I don't want to die."

"I know sweetie. I hope it hasn't either. Let's get you in there so we can see what's going on. Stay still in there for me please. If you need something let me know." Bailey says. Meredith nods and Bailey makes the bed move inside the machine.

After a while the scan finishes and Bailey pulls Meredith out of the machine. Meredith had fallen asleep during the scan and is still sleeping. Bailey and a nurse move Meredith back onto the gurney. She pushes Meredith towards a room and lets her sleep.

She looks over the results of the scan and pages Derek to a conference room.

Derek arrives just a few minutes later. "Is she okay? Has it spread? Tell me Bailey."

"Shepherd, calm down." She gives him a tiny smile. "It hasn't spread luckily."

Derek interrupts her. "Thank God. Why was she all delirious? That was not normal."

"I think that was just a delayed reaction to her chemo treatments. Hopefully that was just a one time thing and won't happen again."

"Where is she?" Derek asks.

"She fell asleep during the scan so I put her in a room. She can be discharged when she wakes up. She will just have to come back tomorrow for chemo."

Derek nods. "Okay, I'm going to go sit with her while she sleeps. I'll let you know when she is awake."

I hope you liked! Sorry for not updating in a few weeks. I just haven't had that many ideas for this story. So definitely let me know if you have any ideas!

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