Chapter 34

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"Mommy?" Meredith weakly whispered. Meredith is so weak and sick that she calls Ellis Mommy despite not calling her that in years. She lets out a few deep coughs.

"Oh Meredith. You don't look well at all." Ellis says softly still in shock at finding out that her daughter has cancer. "Richard, get me her chart."

Richard knows better than to argue with Ellis and quickly hands her Meredith chart, which Ellis quickly reads over. "It's spread to her central nervous system? Somebody needs to get a handle of her cancer immediately."

Richard sighs. "Ellis, you know we're doing everything we can. You know it's not that easy."

Ellis just looks at Meredith laying in bed. "How does she have cancer? She's supposed to be healthy...she's supposed to outlive me." Ellis quickly wipes away a stray tear, not wanting Richard to see.

Meredith is so tired but can't believe her mom is here so she forces her eyes to stay open no matter how much she wants to sleep.

Just then a nurse comes into the room pushing a cart full of medical supplies. "Hello everyone. I'm just here to start Meredith's chemo treatment. Let me set this up and then I'll be out of your way."

"Do you have to do this now? I'm trying to visit with my daughter!" Ellis stared at the woman.

"I'm sorry Dr Grey, but it's necessary we start her chemo now. Her chemo lasts a long time so it's important it starts now."

"Ellis, let the nurse do her job. It's important that Meredith gets every single dose of her chemo treatments. The nurse is right, her chemo takes hours so it's important that we start it early."

"Fine. Go ahead. Start it now." The truth was that Ellis just didn't want to see Meredith suffer.

The nurse nods and goes over to Meredith, who's eyes are barely opened. "Hi Meredith, I'm going to start your chemo treatment. How are you feeling so far today?" The nurse says cheerfully.

"Not good." Meredith whispers.

"Can you be specific for her Meredith? You know you need to be detailed in order for her to help you!" Ellis says loudly.

Meredith nods weakly. "Nauseous. Stomach hurts and my head is starting to hurt." She whispers. "And I'm cold." She says with her teeth chattering.

"I'll give you some anti nausea medication when I'm all done here. And some pain meds for that stomach pain along with more blankets." The nurse connects Meredith's chemo treatment up to her port and begins the treatment. "All set. I'll be right back." The nurse leaves and comes back a few minutes later with the medications and extra blankets. She injects the medications into Meredith's port and then covers her with the extra blankets. "There you go sweetie. Let me know if you need anything else." The nurse then exits the room.

"Meredith, how was your internship going before you got sick? I expect you were living up to the Grey name and not just floating by." Ellis says.

Meredith's eyes close for a moment but she quickly opens them back up when she hears her mother's voice.

"Meredith, I expect an answer when I ask you a question."

"Ellis, she needs her rest. Let her sleep." Richard says softly.

"She can sleep soon. I want to talk to my daughter , who I haven't seen in a while!" Ellis says loudly.

"Tired." Meredith whispers. "Don't feel well."

"Meredith, can you answer my question? Have you been living up to the Grey name? I hope you weren't disappointing me when you were working. And I expect that once you beat this that you'll go back to your internship immediately."

"Ellis. That's enough. And just so you know, she was doing a great job with her internship. She will make a great surgeon. But this isn't the time or place to discuss this. She isn't feeling well and needs her rest. Come on, let's go get some coffee." Richard says.

Ellis sighs. "Fine. Meredith, I'll be back later and we can talk."

"Do you need anything Mer?" Richard asks her softly.

"Want Cris." She whispers.

"I'll page her for you." Richard says.

"Richard?" Meredith weakly says.

"Yeah Mer?"

"My head hurts." She says starting to cry.

"Give the medicine a little bit of time to kick in. That should help okay?" Richard feels so bad for Meredith. It would do anything for her to feel better again.

Meredith nods.

"If it doesn't, let Cristina know and have her page me."

Meredith nods.

Richard and Ellis leave.

Crisitna arrives a few minutes later. She sees that Meredith is half asleep. "Hey Mer. How are you feeling?" She asks softly.

"Don't feel well." She whispers.

Crisitna sighs, wishing that her person felt good again. "I know Mer, I know."

"Don't like this Cris. Don't like being sick." Meredith whispers.

"You're going to get past this Mer. You will."

Meredith's eyes are barely open at this point. She is so exhausted.

"Get some sleep Mer." Crisitna says.

"Will you stay?" Meredith whispers.

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere."

Meredith allows her eyes to close and quickly falls asleep.

Crisitna checks the monitors to see Meredith's vitals. They're okay. Not great but okay.

A while later Meredith's eyes open and her hands automatically got to her head. "My head! It hurts!" Meredith is also burning up with fever.

Crisitna quickly presses the call button and a nurse runs in a moment later.

The nurse assesses the situation and pages Dr Webber 911.

Richard runs into Meredith's room a few minutes later followed by Ellis. Ellis is shocked at the amount of pain Meredith is in and how loud her cries are.

Richard quickly examines Meredith. He draws some blood and has a nurse rush it to the lab. "She's burning up with fever! We need to get her fever down!"

Crisitna is shocked by how quickly Meredith's pain has increased just in the few minutes it took Richard to get there.

"Don't feel good!" Meredith moaned. "Wanna go home! Want Der!" She sobbed.

"You're okay Mer. Shh. I'm paging Derek right now." Crisitna said, worried about her person. She wasn't in that amount of pain before she fell asleep. And she didn't have a fever before either.

All of a sudden Meredith had started seizing. At that exact moment Derek walked in.

"She's having a febrile seizure!" Richard yelled. He yelled to a nurse to get medicine to stop it. He rolled Meredith onto her side during the seizure. The nurse came back with the medicine and injected it into Meredith. The medicine quickly stopped her seizure.

"She's not okay." Ellis whispered, shocked at what she just witnessed.

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the delay. I just lost a little bit of motivation for this story after a few negative reviews on FF. But don't worry, this story will be finished :) I also have been very busy with ballet so that's made it hard also to update.

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