Chapter 26

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Cristina took a look at her watch and saw that it was time to wake Meredith up. She gently put her hand on Meredith's shoulder and gently shook it.

"Mer, time to wake up and get ready for prom." Cristina said softly.

Meredith groaned in her sleep and scrunched her closed eyes. "Tired." She moaned.

"If you want to stay here and sleep, you can do that. I can see if I can get out of going to prom so I can stay with you." Cristina could see that Meredith was extremely exhausted and not wanting to wake up. She didn't want her to overwork herself.

"Noooo. Wanna go to prom. Tired though." Meredith muttered. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Cristina next to her. "Hi." She whispered. Her tired eyes glanced over the room and saw that Derek was missing. "Where's Derek?"

"He got called into an emergency surgery. Shadow Shepherd is out sick so Derek had to go do it."

Meredith moaned. "But I want Derek! I need him! He's supposed to come with me!" She whined. "I'm sleepy!"  Meredith started crying as she was overly exhausted. Christina started to doubt if this was a good idea to let Meredith go to prom.

"Shhh, you're okay Mer. Honestly though Mer, prom's going to be so boring. You won't miss much if you want to stay here and sleep."

"Don't wanna miss out." Meredith whined. "Already missing out on so much."

Meredith is starting to get another headache but doesn't say anything as she wants to go to prom. She knows that if Cristina knew about her headache she would make her stay in bed.

"Okay, we'll go. Do you want to get dressed in this dress I brought you?" Cristina points to the long black dress that is hanging on the bathroom door.

Meredith nods tiredly. "Can you help me please?"

"Of course I can." Cristina gets off of the bed and grabs the dress. She pulls the covers off of Meredith who instantly starts shivering.

"C-cold." Meredith says with her teeth chattering.

"After we get you changed we'll put your blankets back over you." Cristina helps Meredith sit up and helps her out of her hospital gown. Cristina doesn't know how Meredith has lost even more weight.

Meredith starting shivering even more with her gown off. "C-Cris c-cold."

"I know Mer." Cristina quickly unzips the dress and helps Meredith put her legs into it. She pulls the dress up and quickly zips it. Cristina sees Meredith still shivering and tries to think of what to do to help her. "Meredith, do you want to wear something over this too? Do you want your hoodie?"

Meredith nods. "And blankets." She is freezing so much. She feels like she's sitting in ice, she's that cold.

Cristina quickly helps Meredith into the hoodie and Meredith pulls her hands into the sleeves for some extra warmth.

"Okay Mer, I'm going to help you stand up and I'm going to help you transfer into this wheelchair." Cristina has moved the wheelchair right next to Meredith's bed.

Cristina helps Meredith stand but Meredith can barely stand even with Cristina's help. She is extremely wobbly and feels like she will fall any second. Meredith whimpers and tightly holds onto Cristina's hands. "Cris..."

"I know. I've got you. I won't let you fall." Cristina lowers her into the chair and immediately covers her with blankets. Meredith has a few blankets over her lap and wrapped around her shoulders. There are so many blankets you can't even tell that she's wearing a nice dress.

"Ready to go party Mer?" Cristina asks, smiling at Meredith.

"Wanna see Derek first." Meredith whines, still shivering.

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