Chapter 10

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Meredith got through the night without any serious side effects from the chemo so Dr Bailey stuck to her promise and allowed her to be discharged. She of course had the common side effects but no allergic reactions or anything to the chemo.

Dr Bailey walks in the next morning around 11am. "Morning Shepherd. I heard she did okay during the night."

"Yeah, not too bad. She was throwing up for a little while so the nurses gave her a stronger anti nausea medication and she was able to sleep through the night." Derek said.

Bailey smiled slightly. "I'm glad she slept. Poor thing looks exhausted even when she's sleeping. I hate that she's so sick. I just want her to be healthy and back working in the hospital. I want to be able to yell at her for doing something wrong. But I can't because she's so damn sick." Bailey just looks at Meredith sound asleep in the bed.

"I want everything to go back to normal. Or go back to when we thought this was just the flu." Derek got a little teary eyed.

"Derek, I have her discharge papers here. I just need her to sign and then she can go home. She needs to rest and save her energy." Bailey says.

He nods and gently rubs Meredith's shoulder. "Mer, sweetie, time to wake up so we can get ready to go home."

Meredith stirs but doesn't open her eyes. "Home?" She says weakly.

"Yeah, we're going home. Let's sign the discharge papers and then get you changed." Derek takes a quick look at her sats before he hands her the paperwork that Bailey gave him. He wanted to make sure she was doing well before she got to go home.

After Meredith signed the paperwork, Derek helped her change into a hoodie and leggings. "Ready to go Mer?"

"Yeah, I wanna go home." She says softly.

Derek gets her into the wheelchair and pushes her out to the car. He helps her get settled into the car and then drives the two of them home. Within the first five minutes of the car ride Meredith had already fallen asleep. Derek lets a few tears out and quickly wipes them away.

At a red light he glances at her chest and sees it still going up and down. He breathes a sigh of relief. He's so terrified something will happen to her.

A few minutes later they arrive home. "Mer, we're home. Let's get you inside."

Meredith groans. "I'm tired." She whines.

"I know. Let's get you up to bed and then you can go right back to sleep. Does that sound okay?"

Meredith nods.

Derek gets out of the car and goes to her side to help her out of the car. Meredith leans on him for support to walk inside. She was feeling really weak and couldn't make it inside on her own.

They're making their way up the stairs slowly when Meredith gets really dizzy.

"D-Der. S-stop. Dizzy." She says weakly.

"It's okay. I've got you." He said and helped her sit on the ground to wait out the dizzy spell.

After a few moments Meredith felt better and was able to keep walking with the support of Derek.

He helped her into bed and tucked her in.

"Der, d-do you think I'm going to beat this? I d-don't want to die." Meredith said, looking down at her hands.

"Meredith. Look at me." He tilted her chin upwards to look him in the eyes. "You are going to beat this. I will not let you die. Neither will Dr Bailey. We will do everything possible to help make you better."

"Okay." She said weakly. "Can I go back to sleep please? I'm tired."

"Of course you can. Do you want me to stay here with you?"

"Yes please." She whispered.

"Okay. I'll be right here. Close your eyes sweetie. Get some sleep."

"When do I have chemo next?" She whispers instead of closing her eyes. "I feel okay for once other than really sleepy."

"Two days from now. That anti-nausea medicine seems to be working well. Hopefully it'll continue working." Derek has doubts that it'll continue working as her treatment progresses.

"Oh. So rest of today and tomorrow? And then day after is more chemo?" She says softly, trying to get it in her brain.


Meredith thinks for a moment. "Do you think Cristina would want to come over tomorrow? I need my person." She says sleepily. "I need Cristina." She says, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"I'm sure she will. I'll call her and ask her. Go to sleep baby."

Meredith closes her eyes and falls right back to sleep.

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