Chapter 7: The Rooms

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Chapter 7

The Rooms

"Welcome, to those of you that succeeded the Field Test. We hope you enjoyed the field test. Now it's time to form the teams". Lionheart called up all the students and formed them into teams of 4. "Vale Golem, Aeria Marici, Lily Kappa, and Ryu Akuma." They all walked up the stage and stood in a line. "You four form Team VALR, led by Vale Golem" He announced. They all looked at eachother and left to gather their items. On their way out a teacher handed them keys to their rooms and glared at Ryu. Ryu laughed a little and walked with his team.
"So leader where's our dorm?" Ryu asked
"Room 769" Vale said looking at the key card. Ryu was stifling a laugh as his team glared at him.
"We were all thinking it, don't give me that look" Ryu said defending himself
"Anyways let's just grab our stuff and check out our rooms" Vale said
"Yeah we still have to unpack and shower" Lily said
"We should get some rest as well that field test was quite taxing" Aeria added.
They walked over to the bag relieving area and entered their PIN numbers into the machine. The machine whirred and their bag appeared in front of them. Ryu picked up his massive backpack and slung it over his shoulders as he walked over to Vale carrying a massive sack full of weapons,armor, and tools. Lily walked over with her tiny backpack and Aeria with her sack. They walked around the school until they reached the dorms area.
"What number are we again?" Ryu asked
"769" Lily answered as he started chuckling again and she sighed at his immaturity
They took the elevator up and looked at the room numbers.
"767, 768, 769" Vale counted walking past the numbered doors "Here we go". Vale unlocked the doors and walked inside looking at the area . It was like a lobby with furniture, a large TV, and a kitchen in the back. 5 doors were spread out in different areas of the room. Ryu opened one door and found the huge bathroom with a toilet and shower. The others opened separate doors and found identical empty rooms. They were about the size of a regular dorm with a bed. Lily and Vales had a window facing outside that overlooked the school.
"We got one of the high rooms didn't we?" Ryu asked Vale
"Yeah I'm pretty sure level is for high ranking students" Vale answered studying the living room.
Ryu chose the last room, pulled off his mask and hoodie and fell on the bed.
Vale decided to stay up and cook dinner for the team after organizing all his stuff neatly in his room.
Aeria went to go grab the schedules for their team after organizing her room.
Lily took a long shower and went to organize her room. She just finished folding her clothes in her room after a while and came out to the living room. Lily noticed Vale looking at his phone figuring out something to make.
"Where is everyone?" Lily asked Vale as he looked up and answered
"Aeria grabbing our schedule and Ryu probably asleep" Vale pointed to his room
"Can you wake him up please? Dinner is soon and he's a pretty good cook" Vale asked Lily
"Sure" she nodded and walked to Ryu's room
"Thanks" Vale called after he looking at his phone again. Lily walked to Ryus room and opened the door. The room was already a mess and littered with clothes, training weapons, weights, and headphones. What happened next surprised her even more. She gasped and stared at the shirtless red and black haired boy. Her face heated up and turned red as she was admiring his defined muscles and rippling abs. She noticed multiple battle scars across his body and his pendant dangling from his neck. His red and golden eyes stared at her.
"Whatcha doing?" Ryu asked smirking
"N-nothing! H-Hurry up and get ready for dinner" Lily shouted and ran out the room. Her face was burning still processing what just happened.
"What's wrong?" Vale asked confused looking at Lilys red face
"No-Nothing Im fine" Lily said slamming the door to her room and fell on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. Ryu walked out of his room with a new t shirt and shorts.
"What happened to Lily?" Vale asked
"I don't know maybe she saw something" Ryu answered grinning
"Dinner time? Want me to help?"
"Yeah that's why I asked her to call you out" Vale said handing him the instructions "We're making turkey with ham"
"Thanksgiving food? We're in September" Ryu said
"Well this is for our success and making it into Armaments Hall" Vale said grabbing a pan. Aeria returned 10 minutes later carrying the team schedule.
"I smell turkey" Aeria said walking into the living room
"Yeah we just finished it" Vale said carrying it to the table "it's a little burned cause hot-head decided to overcook"
"Let it go, it's just turkey" Ryu said cutting the ham with a knife
"Vale I have the schedule for Monday" Aeria said holding the large piece of paper
"Cool just put it on the other table, we'll look at it after dinner" Vale said pulling off his oven mitts and bringing out utensils. Aeria placed the schedule on the table in front of the TV and couches.
"Ryu can you tell Lily to come out, dinners done" Vale said
"Yeah no problem mom" Ryu said grinning as he walked over to Lily's door, knowing Vale was glaring at him
"Hey Lil, time dinner" Ryu said opening her door and walking in and saw her asleep. He walked over and poked her cheek, slightly walking her. Lily opened one eye and stood up blushing brightly.
"What are you doing?" She said surprised
"It's time for dinner Lil" Ryu said grinning
"Ok give me a sec"Lily said climbing out of bed
"Let's go, Vale and I made dinner" Ryu said opening the door
"I didn't know you could cook" Lily said walking next to him
"More or less" Ryu shrugged. They walked over to the dinner table and sat down with Vale and Aeria.
"Cheers on passing the Field Test and our first day as Team Valor" Vale said raising a glass
"Cheers" they all said as they drank from their glasses of water and ate dinner while talking about multiple subjects.

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