Chapter 6: Field Trip Finished

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Chapter 6

Field Trip Finished

Ryu and Lily walked through the forest talking and trying to navigate through the forest.
"Where are we?" Ryu asked moving a branch out of the way
"Ryu we're halfway there, trust me ok" Lily said walking ahead of him
"How do you even know that?" Ryu asked walking next to her
"I guessed the distance from the starting area to the gate and followed the route I made" Lily explained to him
"It's area training I learned" Lily said proudly
" Oh that makes sense, I was just gonna kill stuff until I got there" Ryu said laughing
Lily laughed "I don't know if that's a good plan"
"I'll think of something when the time comes" Ryu said scrolling through his phone, Lily attempted to pull out of his headphones.
"What are you doing?" Ryu asked dodging her hand
"Pay attention" Lily said, glaring at him yanking off his hood and pulling off his headphone
"It keeps me from being bored" Ryu responded putting one headphone back in and pulling his hood back on. She pulled it back down
"Is being in a dangerous forest full of monsters not exciting enough?" Lily asked glaring at him.
"Right cause I'm totally scared of a bunch of giant beasts" Ryu said sarcastically listening to a song
"They are incredibly dangerous and you should take this more seriously" Lily lectured Ryu, glaring at him
"Don't tell me what to do, I'm not an animal. You can't tell me what to do" Ryu said slightly angry
"I'll tell you whatever I want" Lily said back. The two were glaring at eachother, their faces close. Lilys face grew red and hot as they got closer, but not wanting to back down.
"Your face is red" Ryu said with a smirk
"Shut up" Lily said staring at him. Their eyes met and looked into eachother as their lips grew closer and closer
"Am I interrupting something" Vale said looking at the two. They both pulled away quickly.
"Nothing" Ryu said pulling his mask up as Lily looked away blushing even redder.
"Uh huh" Vale said grinning "Anyways we should get going"
"I agree, I can see a Giant Class Catasrophie coming towards us from the north" Aeria said walking next to Vale. Ryu grinned and sniffed the air.
"Yeah that things big and smells like shit. Goliath Tarantula, moves really fast from what I can tell. But Vale got a girlfriend I see". Aeria gasped and glared at Ryu
Vale exclaimed "No we just met, if anything it's you two"
"Nothing happened!" Lily shouted at Vale blushing intensely
"Yet" Ryu chuckled. Lily smacked him on the head.
"Anyways we should start moving that thing seems dangerous, and Id like to avoid it" Vale said changing the subject.
"Too late, the beast already has our scent" Aeria said.
Ryu nodded "That things coming at us fast and it's blocking our way to the gate. I guess we'll just have to fight it" he grinned as his eyes filled with excitement. They started running towards the clearing ahead. It was a large grassy plain filled with large boulders and trees. Some rocks stacked on top of eachother creating a pole that stood 20 feet tall. The giant tarantula came charging at them on the opposite side of the field, foaming as it hissed at them. It smashed it's legs into a boulder, smashing it to pieces and causing rocks to fly towards them. Vale controlled the rocks in mid air and forced them to shoot at high speeds towards the tarantula. The rocks pelted the tarantula, angering it at as some rocks stayed against its hide. The tarantula shot a wave venom towards them. Vale slammed his shield into the ground creating a giant stone wall in front of them. The venom melted the stone as Ryu jumped over it and slammed his flaming fist into the monsters back, causing it's legs to sprawl out and it's underbelly to crash into the earth. Ryu hopped off the beast and jumped to the side as Lily sent a wave of water to crash into the spider, carrying it towards a boulder and smashing against it. It slid off laying on its stomach, angrily hissing trying to get back up. Aeria stood on a rock pile shooting a volley of arrows. They all pierced it's soft underbelly causing it hiss loudly. It rolled over and shot venom towards Aeria and melted the rock she standing on. She dove off and rolled behind a boulder as another wave of venom landed next to her.
"Does anyone have a plan?!" Vale shouted behind a piece of rock. He calculated any weaknesses or tactics to kill the beast as it charged towards Ryu.
"Nope, but I got an idea" Ryu said as he charged towards it. The tarantula shot out another wave of venom and Ryu held out his hand, releasing a giant torrent of flames towards it. They two elements collided and disappeared, as Ryu jumped and kicked it in the face with his ignited leg. When the two collided it released a giant explosion blasting the beast backwards and crashing loudly on the ground. Ryu flipped through the air and landed next to Lily.
"Your turn, Lil" Ryu said grinning, she groaned slightly from that nickname. Lily formed her staff into a bow and ran towards it shooting out waves of water, slicing the beast. She then formed it into a staff smashing the beast quickly and dodging it's attacks from its legs. She flipped and tumbled her way next to Aeria. Aeria shot arrows into its eyes and arms causing the beast to roar and shoot venom everywhere. Vale forced stone to wrap around the spiders legs and restrict its movements
"That stones not going to last forever!" Vale shouted to Ryu.
Ryu grinned "Hey Aeria" she looked at him "blow me away". He laughed at his cheesy joke. The rest of the team groaned as she sighed and shot an arrow at Ryu's feet blasting him into the air. Ryu ignited his body in flames and fell through the air using his flames to increase his speed. From a distance he looked like a flaming comet falling through the sky. Ryu let out a roar as he smashed into the creature leaving a giant crater into the ground, incinerating it to pieces. He stood smiling at the rest of his team. They were all tired and covered in bruises.
"We should probably get to the gate, that explosion probably attracted a lot of monsters" Ryu said to his team. They looked at the destroyed area and ran towards the gate, it transported them to the school hall next to the Nurses station. About 1/4 of the students failed. The freshman of Armaments Hall would be a total of 200 students. They all walked over to the nurses office and sat down talking about their time in their field trip.

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