Chapter 21: The Ghost Fortress Part 2

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Chapter 21

The Ghost Fortress Part 2

Realizing the teams stealth and recon mission was ruined, the team tries to figure out a solution to the dilemma.
"Well there goes our stealth mission" Vale said sadly
"It's not like we can do anything about it" Lily said
"That's not true we could still finish the mission" Hunter said trying to convince them
"They've probably already hidden away the device and sent troops after us" Dylan responded
"I think we should just call the ship and tell Mr.Lionheart we failed" CJ said. Vale looked at his phone and was about to summon the ship when Ryu spoke up.
"No" Ryu said seriously "there's something important here and we're not just gonna run away". Ryu looked at them intensely as he removed his hood and mask.
"We have business here and we're going to finish it. Thousands of people could die if we don't do something." Ryu said "So do you guys want to stand and fight or run away?". They all looked at eachother and sighed.
"I can't believe you talked us into this" Dylan said
"It's pretty obvious we weren't going to just ditch him" Lily said
"So what we're just gonna go in guns blazing?" Vale said quizzically
"I like that idea" Hunter responded happily
"There's no point in stealth anyways" Aeria said
"Yeah, we'll go in something like that" Ryu said grinning as he slipped on his mask and hood "Let's raise some hell".

Inside the fortress squads of guards were running around preparing the fortress.
"We have intruders, prepare yourselves for defense, no one must get to the device" a loud speaker announced to all the troops running around. Inside the fortress watching all the guards was a large, muscular man hidden in the shadows. He sat on a throne and had a large staff beside him and scowled through the darkness. His purple eyes piercing the darkness. Standing on the side leaning against the wall with his arms crossed was a teenage boy. His silver eyes were slightly covered by his spiked up white hair. He wore an open silver jacket with a plain black t shirt and black military pants. He shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at the footage of a large explosion suddenly disappearing. He laughed and smiled. The man sitting in the throne looked at him.
"Fogstorm it's time you visit your old comrade" the man said with a deep booming voice. He nodded happily and picked up his silver rifle.
"My pleasure" Fogstorm said as he adjusted his black gloves. The troops ran around covering the doors as they stared at the silver haired boy walking through the middle of the courtyard with a rifle on his back.
"Isn't that Fogstorm?" A guard asked "He's so young"
"He's young but he's still one of the worlds greatest mercenaries" another guard answered.
"There was another mercenary, he was supposedly one of the greatest. I think his name was-" a guard said but was cut off as a large explosion blasted them away along with a large portion of the fortress wall. Ryu rose from his landing onto the ground as the wall crumbled and grinned. "Knock, knock" Ryu said as he was surrounded in flames and gave off an aura of immense heat and power. Fogstorm laughed and grinned.
"I see your manners haven't changed! Guards get him" Fogstorm shouted as the guards ran toward him. As they charged a wall of rocks rose into them and lifted them into the air as the fell. The team came rushing in through the broken wall and charged into the battle. Aeria jumped into the air and took out the snipers from their posts as she dodged bullets firing at her. Hunter charged at the guards slashing at them with his sword and freezing them. Lily created a massive wave of water blasting them into the walls. As the destruction raged on between the two sides Ryu and Fogstorm stared at eachother through the battles.
"Well well, it's been a while, Hells Dragonborn" Fogstorm shouted smiling "you know since you left, the mercenary business really died off"
"Too bad, I don't really miss it" Ryu said as he cracked his knuckles
"You know the customers have really wanted you back. No one knows what happened to the greatest mercenary the worlds ever seen" Fogstorm said suddenly becoming angrier "They think the Hell Dragonborn just died off on a mission. But I knew". Fogstorm pulled off his rifle and fired a barrage of bullets towards Ryu as he dodged and charged towards him. Ryu caught a bullet and threw it towards Fogstorm. "Looks like you learned some new tricks" Fogstorm shouted as he dove to the side "So have I". He melted into into a sea of mist and rose into the air. Ryu searched for his presence with his senses, but found nothing. Fogstorm dropped onto Ryu and threw him. Ryu flipped through the air and landed.
"Still the same move though, maybe you should've trained more" Ryu said as he inhaled some air and bellowed out a large torrent of flames that blasted Fogstorm into the fortress wall. As Fogstorm bounced off the wall, Ryu charged as he lit his fist on fire and punched Fogstorm through the wall.

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