Chapter 10: The Knight's Mistake

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Chapter 10

The Knight's Mistake

Ryu, Lily, Dylan, and Hunter just got off of the Heli-Train and walked to their rooms together talking about random events.
"What room are you staying in?" Ryu asked
"57, what about you guys?" Cam asked Ryu and Lily
"769" Ryu answered and laughed with Hunter. Lily and Dylan glared at them giving them the 'you're immature as hell' look.
"Anyways, isn't that one of the higher floors?" Hunter asked
"Yeah for some reason we got a high room" Ryu said
"The rooms are really nice though" Lily added
"Well our leader is pissed because since he's royalty, he thinks he deserves the best room" Dylan said
"Oh yeah what's his name?" Ryu asked curiously
"Aaron Paragonheart, apparently he's the strongest and is the kings son. But he's also a fuck boy that's pretentious and thinks he's superior" Hunter said
"Yeah but he's really cute" Dylan said
"Uh huh, sure. Anyways I plan on fighting him in the arena" Ryu said with a fire in his eyes
"You know he's got royal blood right? He's really strong from what I heard" Dylan said
"Don't even try to convince him to give up, he's not gonna listen" Hunter said
"Sounds like him" Lily agreed as Ryu laughed. They walked to the elevators and pressed the floor buttons, Dylan and Hunter left to their rooms as Ryu and Lily stayed in the elevator talking.
"Isn't it weird that we both know Dylan?" Ryu asked
"I've known her since we were in training camps" Lily said
"I've known her since we were little kids, before we could go to training camps" Ryu said proudly
"Whatever I'm better friends with her" Lily said jokingly
"But I was her friend first" Ryu said mockingly as Lily rolled her eyes. They walked back to their room and slid the key card against the lock, it opened to the dark room.
"They probably went to bed" Ryu whispered
"I don't want to wake them up so be quiet" Lily said quietly as they walked across the couch
"Well look who's home" A voice said as it clapped and the lights came on to reveal Vale.
"Where were you to?" Vale asked sternly
"We were with a couple friends" Lily said
"You don't have to lie, I know what you two have been doing" Vale said glaring at them. Lily blushed and turned away
"We weren't doing that I swear" Lily stuttered out
"It's true Vale, Lily and I are in love" Ryu said jokingly with a grin, Lily smacked his arm
"Shut up, Ryu" Lily said as Ryu laughed
"No, but we ran into Dylan and Henry" Ryu said
"Wait really? I didn't know they went here" Vale said surprised
"I know right, we'll probably see them tomorrow" Ryu said
"Where's Aeria?" Lily asked looking around for the white haired archer
"Asleep, like you two should be" Vale said
"Whatever we'll be fine, besides I'm tired.
Night Lil, Night Vale" Ryu called out walking to his room as Lily walked to hers as well. Finally, Vale clapped his hands and the lights shut off and he walked to his room.

The next morning
"Ryu come on let's go" Vale said waitin with the rest of his team
"He really needs to sleep more" Lily said
"I believe his habit of too much sleeping in the morning is more of the problem" Aeria said looking at the clock. Ryu bursted out of his room pulling on his headphones and grabbing his stuff.
"Ok let's go" Ryu said as he ran out of the room followed by his team. They went through they're periods as the usual and walked to their lunch period and sat down at their usual table. They were talking about the classes when Hunter and Dylan sat next to them accompanied by two others.
"Hey what's up?" Ryu asked
"We just finished our hand to hand combat class" Dylan said
"I won" Hunter said proudly. A figure next to Hunter cleared his throat loudly as Dylan rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah this is Aaron Paragonheart, our leader" Hunter said annoyed pointing to a boy with perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and glasses.
"And this is CJ" Dylan said pulling an African American girl, with mid length hair, and purple eyes.
"Excuse me, I am royalty so I should introduce myself" Aaron said loudly. Everyone became annoyed with him.
"I am Aaron Paragonheart, the leader of this team and heir to the throne of Sensou. I have been graced with holy powers that outrank everyone here, you all are lucky to be in my presence" Aaron announced trying to show off
"Wow, show of hands, who cares?" Ryu said to the group. No one raised their hand.
"Well look at that" Ryu said grinning
"You have no right to talk to me like that, monster" Aaron said glaring at him as Ryu growled
"Back off, no one wants a fight" Lily said
"I don't know, I actually want to see him lose" Vale said as the rest of the group agreed
"The only reason you're the leader is because you were assumed a good leader" CJ said
"How dare you all! You peasants have no right to talk to me!" Aaron said angrily
"Don't call my friends peasants, or I'll destroy you" Ryu growled as he almost charged at him. Lily held his arm gently to hold him back, "Ryu stop, he's not worth it" Lily said calmly. She held on a little tighter as he calmed down and sat back down.
"How amusing, the Beauty and the Beast" Aaron said slyly. Ryu grew slightly angry again and growled but was shocked to see CJ slap him across the face much to everyone's surprise. He looked back angrily and was about to say something but CJ, Lily, Dylan, and Aeria glared at him with dangerous intent. He stood and dusted himself off
"We'll finish this in the arena, demon spawn" Aaron said as he walked away.
"Ryu please kick his obnoxious ass" Dylan said
"Can I help?" Hunter asked excitedly
"No, I got this" Ryu said
"I know you'll be fine, but be careful" Lily said
"I could tell he's not entirely bluffing, he did seem to have an impressive aura" Aeria said
"Yeah apparently he has an overpowered aura, he's also a tactical genius" CJ said
"He doesn't have that much physical strength though" Hunter said
"You still think you can take him? You can't be too reckless" Vale said
"Yeah, I'm not losing to him" Ryu said cracking his knuckles. Dylan cringed at the sound
"Ryu I hate that sound" she said
"Yeah sorry" Ryu apologized as Hunter cracked his to mess with her. Ryu and Vale laughed a little. CJ punched him in the shoulder as the group laughed a little. They all finished their lunch and walked to the arena.

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