Chapter 17: The Job

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Chapter 17

The Job

The group walked to the principals office, wondering if they did something wrong. They all seemed fairly stressed walking to the office.
"Wow I got sent to the principals office faster than I thought" Ryu laughed as he put his hands behind his head. They all looked at him like he was crazy.
"Maybe you wouldn't be in trouble if you followed the rules" Lily scolded him
"I'll be screwed if this is something bad" Hunter said a little aggressively
"Pretty sure we all will" Vale said
"I doubt we're in trouble, it's not our fault a giant robot broke in the arena trying to kill us" CJ offered
"Still this isn't good no matter how you look at it" Dylan said sadly. They walked into the office and sat down at the chairs waiting for Mr.Lionheart to come in. After a few minutes of waiting, he walked into the room slowly and shut the door. He sat down and placed his hands on the desk.
"First I must commend you two, Ryu and Hunter, for protecting the students of this school and bravely fighting that death machine. I thank you." Mr.Lionheart said seriously "But I must tell you how foolish it was to stay and fight and not take the threat seriously".
"In our defense, it interrupted our match" Ryu said jokingly receiving glares from everyone else.
"That may be true but you are still young and have much to learn. Skills to develop. Achievements to receive. Gain more experience. Dying as an inexperienced teenager would mean nothing" Mr.Lionheart said
"So I guess we're in trouble then" Hunter asked sadly
"No not quite" Mr.Lionheart responded slowly
"Wait, may I interrupt?" Vale asked "If you just wanted to talk to Ryu and Hunter why did you call the rest of us here"
"One, you all are a team. Teammates will stay together until the end no matter the consequences. Second, it's a somewhat different matter" Mr.Lionheart lectured him
"But we didn't do anything. Do we still get punished for that?" Lily said
"No, as of now, no one is being punished" he responded
"Then why did you call us here?" Dylan asked quietly. Mr.Lionheart smirked a little and pulled out a remote and pressed a button. The TV behind him displayed a large picture of the broken robot.
"So? It's the broken robot" Ryu said
"If you look closely on the back of the head that you punched off" Mr.Lionheart said as he zoomed in on the head "you can see this mark". They looked closely at it as it showed a strange mark. It was an red mask under a black crown.
"Is that what I think it is?" Vale asked shocked
"Yes it is, this is the mark of the terrorist group known as the Ghost Rulers. They plan on over throwing Sensou by taking over the kingdoms. Terrorists who believe living under their oppressive rule will fix this world and funded buy their vast wealth and mercenary faction. Information on them is limited, but they are incredibly dangerous and are the main threat of this kingdom." Mr.Lionheart said seriously
"Why would a powerful terrorist group attack here?" Hunter asked
"As the only combat school in Sensou, we still pose a threat to them" Mr.Lionheart responded
"They're monsters, they destroyed countless cities, homes, and families in multiple kingdoms" Dylan said quietly
"So what? Do we prepare for another attack from them?" Lily asked
"Preparing for an attack would offer no advantage for us except information" Aeria responded
"Then why don't we go pay them a visit so we don't get any more unwanted visitors here" Ryu said slightly growling
"You plan on going to an all out war with a terrorist group that rivals all of our kingdoms combined?" CJ asked sarcastically
"Yeah, why not." Ryu said
"Actually, I have something like that in mind" Mr. Lionheart said with as everyone stared at him in shock.
"We're going to fight a terrorist group?!" Vale asked
"Partially yes. The reason I brought you all is here is so we can retaliate. You will go on missions to prevent their advances and eventually we'll bring down their entire organization" Mr.Lionheart explained
"Of course you will still attend classes and missions will be random but, you will be supported by the school and staff. However this is a low key operation, the kingdom must not find out. Fear of being infiltrated by a terrorist organization will cause an uproar and panic."
"No no no wait we're just teenagers who just got here" Dylan protested "we're not the right choice for this job"
"We barely have any experience either" CJ added
"Come on it'll be fun. Stuff like this doesn't just happen to anyone" Ryu said trying to get them to agree
"Ryu we're nowhere near ready for a terrorist group" Lily said
"If we keep learning and training we could be ready" Hunter said
"Even so we're just teenagers. Shouldn't this stuff be left for the real warriors?" Vale asked
"Do you really think that? Ordinary students don't just come out of nowhere. All of you are unique students that stand above the rest. I've seen the data and all of your performances and skills." Mr.Lionheart stood up and looked at them "The professional warriors are fighting in the frontlines of war, you will all be doing minor missions. I'm not saying that these won't be dangerous or it'll be easy but you'll have a chance to use your skills and make a difference to people. To save countless lives. you accept?" He asked slowly staring at them. They all looked at eachother and had a small silent conversation between them. They all stood up and shared a look. "We accept" Ryu said.

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