Chapter 13: Stage Battle

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Chapter 13

Stage Battle

"That teams match was truly impressive, now we'll show you what the arena can do" Mr.Spartacus announced "Any volunteers?". Hunter raised his hand as well as another. As Hunter left to the locker room, Ryu and Lily returned.
"Where have you two been?" Vale asked
"She was healing my injuries" Ryu answered
"Oh, that took a while" Vale said as they sat next to their teammate
"Anyways what did we miss?" Lily asked trying to avoid the subject
"CJ and Dylan just finished their match and Hunter just left to get ready for his" Aeria said
"Aww we missed it?" Lily said sadly
"Well it's your fault for taking so long" Vale said as Lily blushed thinking back to what happened in the locker room as Ryu grinned
"It's not her fault, we were just kinda busy" Ryu said "Besides I want to see how Hunters trained for the past few years".
Hunter then walked out of the locker room wearing white and blue chest pieces, leg armor, arm guards, shoulder pads, and a white Henry that had blue details around it that resembled ice. Attached to his blue belt was his gladias, Tundra. The hilt was a dark blue and had a circular end, his blade was made of ice and fractals sprouted outwards. His opponent used a dual bladed axe that had red vines on it.
"This next match will be between Hunter Cryostorm and Anthony Dul" Mr.Spartacus announced "This time, we will change the arena go a random zone that has multiple benefits and weaknesses". The giant monitor on the sides of the stadium scrolled through multiple zones and landed on a rocky area with small patches of water. The arena glowed and formed rocks with various sizes and small puddles were filled randomly.
"Match begin in 3, 2, 1, BEGIN" the computer announced. Hunter unsheathed Tundra and charged towards Anthony. Hunter slashed at Anthony, the blades clashed together as Hunter pushed Anthony backwards. Anthony rolled back wards and threw his axe towards Hunter. Hunter blocked the axe but his Tundra shattered. Anthony dived to pick up his axe and launched in the air and slash downwards towards Hunter. Hunter grinned as Tundra reformed and blocked the axe again. Anthony dived behind a rock. Anthony threw his axe towards Hunter again. Hunter barely dodged and ducked behind a rock. Hunter searched for Anthony.
"From The Beginning and End Of Sensou
To Protect or Destroy
Ice spread and grow
Break and shatter through the land
Freeze the dangers and surround all with the biting cold
Glacier Spawn" Hunter chanted as he shoved Tundra into the ground. A wave of ice spread through the area, it covered the entire area on ice and frost. Large chunks of ice ejected from the ground and smashed into Anthony. He launched into the air as Hunter jumped up and slashed him. Hunter landed and looked as Anthony fell to the ground.
"Winner is Hunter Cryostorm" Mr.Spartacus announced as the crowd cheered. Hunter sheathed his sword and walked to the locker room as the arena was reset.
"Did he chant something?" Dylan asked
"In order to release your full aura and use your most powerful skill, you need to chant in order to invoke it" Aeria said
"It takes a ton of time and practice though" Vale said
"I didn't know he figured it out until now" Ryu said
"Is it hard to do?" Dylan said
"It's complicated, it's probably one of the hardest things you can use but the most powerful too" Vale said
"Eventually all of us can use it, we just need to practice and learn scripture for it" Aeria said
"What scripture?" Lily asked
"The chant" Ryu answered
"Just like everyone has their own aura, you have to create your own scripture" Vale said
"He must have figured out his early" Ryu said
"We'll all be able to do it soon?" Dylan asked
"Yeah, well except for me" Ryu said
"Why not you?" CJ asked
"I'm part Catasrophe, there are no scriptures for monsters" Ryu said
"Couldn't you make your own?" Lily asked
"I don't know" Ryu said
"And that's all the matches for today" Mr Spartacus said, closing the arena.
Hunter walked over with the rest of the team as they walked to their next class.

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