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Previously on Pure Happiness

"Beth. Bonnie hasn't said anything about not letting you in, but I think it's what best right now."

"Why?" Caroline's words had taken her by surprise, and the blonde felt guilty for them as well.

"Elena told us about your thing with Klaus."


Beth had decided to make her way to the Mikaelson Mansion instead of going home where she would be alone. As she approached the door, she felt someone's presence behind her.

"Kol? Why are you out here?"

"I'm leaving. But I'd thought I'd say goodbye before I do. I'd invite you to come with me, but I think I'd end up in a coffin," he smiled.

"Why are you leaving? Esther?"

"My own mother is out to get me. She knows we're here, and I don't want to go back to being dead. It's not fun."

"I understand, but isn't it best if you stick together?" Beth asked, hoping to change his mind. Despite knowing him for a few days, she had grown quite attached.

"I don't think so. But I will miss you, darling." He smiled once more before wrapping his arms around her. "Take care of my brother, will you?"

"Of course," she said, and with that, the vampire disappeared into the night.

His departure was quite sad for the girl, but she knew they would see each other again. She just hoped it was under good circumstances. She made her way inside, where she heard Rebekah and Klaus speaking quite urgently.

"What's going on? Elijah left, too?" She asked as she approached the room with the two Originals.

"Yes, the cowards! They all ran. Kol fled, Elijah's off too. And Finn! He ran off with our mother!" Rebekah shouted angrily, and Klaus was just as angry but silent. He was afraid to be angry in front of her. Afraid to scare her off.

"I'm sorry. But you have each other. And in the grand scheme of things you always have, even though some mistakes have been made," the banshee stated as her eyes flickered to the hybrid who tried not to make eye contact. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up."

Rebekah sighed, "It's not a secret. We're not perfect, but Nik is the only one who has never left my side."

They all smiled before the blonde said, "I'm gonna go and leave you two alone."

"Rebekah, you can't. We aren't done talking about -" Klaus started.

"We are. There's nothing that can be done tonight. It's late, Nik. The mayor sleeps," she stated before walking off.

"What do you need mayor Lockwood for?"

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"Klaus, what's going on?"

"Beth, I'm serious. The less you know, the better. I don't want you to have to lie to your friends. I'd rather you stay out of it."

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