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Beth and Damon dropped off Jeremy and Bonnie who was still in an unconscious state at the witch house where they would hide until the attack on Klaus. After that Damon dropped Beth off before he headed to the boarding house. She didn't really want to see how Elena would be. So she took off her shoes and left them on the side of the door.

The house was dark, no lights on. She was the only one there. It's been a while since Beth has only lived with her dad, Benjamin. Because her parents divorced when she was in 8th grade. She was allowed to choose where she wanted to live and chose to stay with her dad because she didn't want to leave Mystic Falls. It didnt bother her mother much though. She rembered how easily her mother agreed but it wasn't only that. Lucille hadn't bothered to visit since her move to New York after the divorce and simply sends a Christmas card every year. And Benjamin, her father, was always away on business trips so she was left home alone most days.

After leaving her shoes she went upstairs to her room. She turned on her lamp to change into her pajamas. She then climbed into bed before turning off the lamp and drifting off.

The next morning she went straight to the shower once she awoke. She blow dried her hair and left it in its natural wavy style before changing. She slipped into a coral skirt and white blouse. Afterwards she stepped into a pair of tan heels. She sprayed her perfume on her wrists and neck. It was her own mixture that she had made her freshman year. Ever since then it had become her signature scent. It smelled of strawberries, vanilla, and a touch of bourbon. She smiled as the scent filled the air before putting it back on her vanity.

As she grabbed her bag her phone started ringing so she quickly retrieved it from her nightstand. "Hello," she said into the phone.

"We need your help," she heard Stefan's voice filled with worry.

"With?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Elena took the dagger out of Elijah. We need you to help us find them."

"What? Of course I'll help, but I'm not sure how."

"Just come, please," he said sounding desperate.

"I'll be there," Beth reassured before hanging up. She quickly grabbed her bag once again before heading down stairs and into her car.

"You have reached your destination," she heard the GPS say bringing her back to reality. Confusion flooded her when she saw that she wasn't at the boarding house but outside the Lockwood mansion. But at this point she just didn't question it as much as she used too and simply climbed out of the car. She didn't bother knocking and just came inside but as soon as she did she was grabbed by her neck and pushed into a wall.

"Beth?" Elijah said his eyes gone wide as soon as he saw the girl's green eyes filled with fear. He immediately let her go when he realized who it was, promptly regretting his actions. He grabbed her before she could fall to the floor as she coughed trying to get her breath back. "I'm so sorry, Beth," he said completely honest.

"It's okay, Elijah," she said trying to smile between coughs.

"Beth, oh my god are you okay?" Elena asked worriedly as she came into the room.

"I'm fine. I apparently just triggered the alarm," she laughed. Afterwards they all went over to the living room to sit down before talking any more.

"How did you find us?" Elena asked the strawberry blonde.

"That's a question I don't really have the answer to. I was on my way to the boarding house because Stefan had called me and told me what you did. But I ended up here. Speaking of, what are you guys doing here?" But before her question could be answered her phone began to ring once more. "Hello," she answered.

"Are you on your way, already?" Stefan asked on the other line.

"I was but let's just say my... ability had a different destination," she said as she looked at Elena mouthing not to tell him where they were.

"You're with Elena aren't you?"

"Yes. And Stefan I love you but I know the question that's coming and I can't tell you. You're gonna have to talk to her yourself," she said passing the phone over to Elena.

Author's Note

So, first of all thank you guys so much for 6.7 k!! Pure happiness is now officially my most popular story and I am so grateful to everyone that reads and patiently waits for the updates. I seriously feel bad because of how slow the updates have become but I am trying to do better. Like I've mentioned before I did just enter high school and I'm still getting used to the system so I have been really busy. And then homecoming just passed so I had been very busy working on it since I am the vice president of the freshman class but things in my high school are now easier so I'm looking foward to having more time for wattpad. Thank you guys so much!!! Please favorite and comment. ❤❤

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