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Beth, Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan sat down in their desks just as the bell rang. Beth found it sort of odd that Alaric hadn't shown up to teach his class yet, but completely dismissed it when Elena began to wave the 60s decade dance flyer at her and Bonnie suggestively. Bonnie nodded while Beth mouthed, "of course" with a grin.

Right after that, Alaric came into the classroom, "Hello, Class. What are we learning today?"

"We've been covering the sixties all week because of the decade dance tonight," Beth informed. It was strange that he was unprepared, but figured that it must have something to do with Isobel committing suicide yesterday. She felt sympathy towards the teacher because of everything he had been through especially with Isobel.

"Right. The Sixties," he said. As he turned around, he stopped and examined Elena before he cleared his throat and wrote the sixties on the blackboard. "I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but they actually kind of sucked. Except for The Beatles of course. What else can I say? There was that Cuban missile thing."

"Oh come on, Mr. Saltzman there was more to the sixties than just that. There was John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign and the Civil Rights Act. Walking on the moon," Beth added positively.

"Of course. And then there was uhh-watergate."

"Watergate was the seventies, Ric," Elena chuckled before correcting herself, "I mean Mr. Saltzman."

"Right. It kind of mushes together up here. Sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena."

Later, Beth spent her period before lunch helping with the dance decorating before going to eat. She saw many people waving and saying hi to her on her way to lunch and she waved and smiled back to everyone. After grabbing her lunch, she scanned the cafeteria for any of her friends and saw Jeremy rushing away from a table where Bonnie and Elena were sitting so she walked over.

"What's up with Jeremy?" She asked as she approached her friends.

"I told him he would have to dress up for the dance and he got uptight," Bonnie replied causing Beth to shake her head with a chuckle.

"Now that we're on the subject of the dance. Beth, did you get a date for the dance?" Elena asked.

"Well, Brett and Andrew both asked, but I said no," Beth said.

"To both?" She asked and continued when she nodded, "Why?"

"Because, I don't like either of them like that and stringing them along would be awful," Beth said and her friends nodded.

Moments later one of their classmates, Dana, came to their table. "Hey, Elena. There you are. Okay, this is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just told me, to ask you, if you were going to the dance tonight."

"Tell him she has a boyfriend," Bonnie said bluntly.

"You could at least meet him. He's gonna be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name's Klaus," she said which resulted in the three girls' eyes widening.

"I'm sorry. What did you just say?" Elena asked nervously.

"His name's Klaus? I know the name's stupid but I swear he's hot."

"Where is he? Is he here?" Bonnie asked looking around.

"I don't know."

"She's compelled, Bonnie," Beth stated.

"But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?" Dana exclaimed leaving the girls fidgeting.

After hearing this, Bonnie and Elena headed to the Salvatore boarding house, but Beth stayed behind. She knew they would devise a plan to kill Klaus and at the moment, she wanted no part in that. But it wasn't just that. She had a weird feeling. She felt like she was going to scream, but it was different.

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