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Previously on Pure Happiness

"Then you can all go to hell," he said looking over at the pained expression that had appeared on Beth's face. He felt slightly guilty because of this but ignored the feeling as he went upstairs.

"It's been a long day. So I'm gonna go," Beth said before exiting the house.


Beth laid in her bed thinking of what today would bring. Tonight was the full moon which meant that the sacrifice would take place and the plan to kill Klaus would too.

As strange as Beth knew it sounded, she didn't want Klaus to be killed. She knew very little about him but from the stories she had been told Klaus was only broken soul who only sought out his happiness. And she didn't believe that he didn't deserve a second chance to change his ways and heal. He, like everyone else on the planet should be given the chance to get their happiness but everytime he did get the chance it had been ripped away from his grasp.

But despite the thoughts she had, Beth knew that if they did nothing, Elena would die and she didn't want that either. So with that on her mind she got up from her bed and went over to her bathroom.

She changed into a new outfit before making her bed and going downstairs. As she walked down the stairs the door was heard opening. So she went down with furrowed brows where she was met by her dad.

"Beth. It's nice seeing you sweetheart," he said as he left his suitcase at the side of the door.

"You too," she said pulling him into a hug with a huge grin on her face. She hadn't seen him for about a month now so she couldn't help being so happy to finally have her dad with her.

"Were you going somewhere? Or can we have breakfast together?" Her father asked her. Beth looked over at the door contemplating her options but then shook her head.

"No. We can have breakfast," she said hugging him once more which made him smile happily. Yes it was true that Beth was glad that she had an excuse not to go over to the boarding house to hear all about their plan on how to kill Klaus but she also did want to spend time with her dad so she was going to do just that.

Beth and her father had made their own breakfast together whilst talking about what they had done while he was gone. Once it was ready they sat down to eat as they continued talking but once they were done her dad looked at his watch with a frown. He was about to turn to look at Beth and tell her he had to leave but she beat him to it already knowing what was coming.

"It's okay. I get it. I'll clean up here. But thank you for spending your morning with me," she said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled with admiration at his daughter before getting up and leaving for work. Because despite being the one who had 'raised' her Beth's kind and understanding nature surprised him too.

After cleaning up, Beth decided that it was time to see how things were going at the Salvatore boarding house. So she got in her car and drove off. Once she arrived she came into the living room where Ric was sitting in a chair with the whole gang around him. She was about to question why Klaus was there when everyone turned to look at her but Jenna stopped her.

"It's Ric," she clarified so Beth just nodded in understandment without further questions.

"So what else did I do?" Alaric asked turning the attention back to himself.

"What do you mean? You don't remember?" She asked as she took her scarf off and sat on the couch.

"No. It's like I blacked out and woke up three days later," He said.

"Well you can relax. You did nothing, Ric. It was Klaus not you. You know that," Beth said giving him a soft smile.


"So anyway, where's Elena?"

"She's right here..." Stefan trailed off when he turned around and saw that the doppelganger was no longer sitting where she was before. He suddenly tuned his vampire hearing to listen for Elena. He then immediately sped upstairs leaving everyone in the room confused so they all followed behind including the strawberry blonde who had asked the question in the first place. Once Beth reached the room she saw Elena crying on the floor with blood on her lips staring at Damon with pure hatred who had dried blood on his wrist. That's when she was able to connect the dots about what had happened.

"Oh my god, Damon. What did you do?" Beth asked in complete shock.

"What I had to."


Next time on Pure Happiness

"Klaus?" Beth asked even though she was sure she knew the answer to her question.

"That's right, Love," he spoke with a melodic accent.


Author's Note

I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter but I hoped you guys enjoyed it. My next update will probably be on Sunday if not Saturday. Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote ❤

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