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Previously on Pure Happiness

"Well, Klaus isn't around anymore," Beth sighed.

"Why didn't you say it like that?" Ava asked with furrowed brows.

"Like what?"

"Like you miss him."


"I didn't. It was just a sigh," Beth said with a shake of her head.

"Why did you then? Sigh, I mean," the brunette questioned with a raise of her left brow.

"Because!" Beth exclaimed but quickly composed herself before speaking once again, "There's more to Klaus than just hurting people."

"Didn't he hurt your friends, too?"

"Yeah, but no one is just there bad self. There are more sides to a person than just one, including Klaus. He has a good side. A human side."

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"Because I've seen it," Beth answered as her mind drifted to her time with the hybrid.

"Of course you have," Ava smiled.

"What do you mean?" The strawberry blonde questioned.

"He likes you. And I don't know if you like him too but you do care about him. I saw it that night he almost killed me. He stopped, because of you."

"Of course I care about him. I care about a lot of people," Beth agreed. "But Klaus only stopped when I made the deal with him."

"Beth, he could've easily done what he always does and manipulated everyone to help him, but he didn't because you asked him not to," the dark haired girl explained but Beth shook her head as she continued to deny the truth. "How can you not see it?"

"There's nothing to see," Beth laughed as she turned around and saw Rebekah stab a branch into Damon's stomach. Rebekah then walked over to the two girls, one of who was laughing.

"Damn, that looked like it hurt," Ava laughed.

"Yeah well he was trying to distract me," Rebekah huffed before turning to look at the strawberry blonde, "Why?"

"I don't know," Beth lied. "I've been talking to Ava since I got here."

"It's true," Ava nodded.

"Fine, whatever," she huffed. "I'll see you later," Rebekah added before walking off and disappearing into the crowd.

"So why was he distracting her?" The brunette questioned.

"I don't know."

"Oh please, you're a bad liar," she scoffed with a laugh. "So what's going on?"

"Fine. Klaus compelled my friend Stefan to turn his humanity off so my friends are planning to vervain him and lock him up. I was supposed to help Damon distract her, but I found you and he seemed to be doing fine without my help," the strawberry blonde explained.

"Well, then let's go see if you didn't screw anything up," she suggested as she left her empty cup on top of a stump.

"Okay," Beth agreed before following Ava as she walked away. The two kept walking when suddenly the huntress stopped in her tracks.

"Do you see that?" Ava questioned as she pointed at the smoke that seemed to be coming from the school.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Beth exclaimed before they both ran towards the dark smoke to investigate. Yells were heard from a voice the strawberry blonde was very familiar with as they got closer.

"Elena! Open the door!" Alaric yelled.

"Oh my god," Beth muttered as she stared at the scene. Alaric's SUV was up in flames with the doe eyed doppelganger, Elena and an unconscious Stefan in it.

As the problem sinked into Beth's mind, Ava was quick to try and help Alaric open the door, but when she got closer the flames grew higher making it impossible for anyone to get close without burning themselves. Finally Beth reacted once the two hunter's backed away from the flames.

"Elena, wake Stefan! Wake Stefan!" She yelled.

The doppelganger nodded as she coughed due to the smoke she was inhaling but managed to turn back and wake the vampire enough for him to use his strength to break the trunk open with a kick. "Hurry up, before it blows!" Alaric exclaimed as he helped Elena out of the truck.

"Wait!" Elena stopped. "Wait, wait, wait," Elena yelled as she grabbed onto the vampire before pulling him out of the truck with the hunter's help before the vehicle blew up in flames.

After making sure her friends were okay Beth left the party and drove off. She planned to drive home and sleep today's problems off but ended up driving to the town square. Once she was there she walked on the lawn and sat on a bench capturing the scene.

That was where she met him. Blake Wells. He had moved to town with his family before sophomore year and the day before school started 15 year old Beth met her first love. They soon got together and a year later they said I love you. And then last year he died. Died of exhaustion after helping the Bennetts open the tomb.

Tears gathered in her eyes as the memory of their meeting replayed in her mind. Suddenly she was broken out her thoughts by a familiar voice. "Beth! Beth!"

"What?" Beth muttered with wide eyes as she stared at the dark figure that was walking towards her. With each step foward, more features were shown, features that she knew incredibly well. Her jaw trembled as she saw the familiar face.

"Beth," he spoke softly.

"How? How can I see you?" Beth questioned with a trembling voice begging to let out a sob as her tears hit her cheeks.


Next time on Pure Happiness

"Mason Lockwood attacked Damon."



Author's Note

So yeah Blake Wells. He had been mentioned before but now we will get deeper into their back story and I hope you guys like that because I am very excited to continue to write it. Anyway don't forget to vote!

Question: How do you feel about Blake coming back?

Much Love,


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