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//for this chapter you can listen to ticket to ride by the beatles<3 //

when dallas heard those three words escape from the socs lips.
he felt so infuriated.
did he not give you enough hints that he liked you?
you even hugged him in the hallway. you've never done that.

surely the soc has to be lying. nothing was making sense.
dallas left for two days and suddenly you've latched onto someone else.

well, he can do the same.

that day he ditched school, heading over to tim's. he knew exactly what he was doing.

for you, however, you felt like your heart had been ripped out and danced on.
you would lock yourself in your bedroom for hours, crying.

sitting next to that damned window.
he made it so easy to fall in love with him.
you promised yourself you'd never love him. but you did.
there was no denying it.

for nights you'd cry. it's all you could do.
you were acting the same way you did when your parents died.
you were a mess. your brother soon caught on.

your night terrors got worse, screaming in the middle of the night, waking yourself up.
you were becoming different.

all because of him.

dallas winston.

it had been a few days now. connor still kept up his act and so did dallas.
they were both trying to make each other jealous.

you couldn't take it.
you started avoiding both of them.
sometimes you wouldn't even know up to school. you couldn't bring yourself to.
you'd tell your brother you were sick but he knew better.

he wasn't falling for your tricks.

one day matthew called you out of your room.

"y/n. we need to talk"

you looked at him, leaning against the frame of your door. you didn't say anything.

"you've been acting weird. what happened? you haven't been like this since mom and dad died."

you shrugged.
you couldn't tell him that you liked dallas or what he had done.
it would be a big slap in the face.

you knew your brother was right.
he is a bad guy. 

dallas has noticed your absence.
everyone did actually.
ponyboy was back at school now and he even noticed.

he went as far as to confront dallas.

"what did you do?" the faux blonde boy asked.

dallas laughed, "what?"

"y/n has been gone for days. she's never done that until she started hangin round you, dal"

dallas shrugged.
"she was hangin round some guy while i was gone. i only kissed sylvia to make her jealous."

"dal, why would you do that? you like her, right?"

he nodded.

"then why didn't you clear up what happened? surely it was a misunderstanding"

he looked at pony.
he was right.

dallas missed you so much.
he was relying on drinking to cope.

he got mad over something so minor.
he hurt you.
he couldn't forgive himself.

after your brothers confrontation, you knew you needed to get your act together.

you cant do this to yourself, it's not healthy.
by nighttime you had already showered and started getting ready for bed.

this was the first night you weren't waiting by the window for dallas.
just before crawling into your bed, you heard the sound of pebbles hitting your window.

you knew who it was immediately.
slowly, you walked over to your window pushing the curtains away from it.
you saw him.

at first, you weren't going to open your window, but your feelings got the best of you.

"what, dallas?" you asked.

"i'm sorry, y/n"

you sighed, looking away for a second.
"you took off, dal." you started.

"you hurt me"

"i know, y/n. i'm sorry." he apologized.

you laughed

"i don't even know him."

he sighed.

you looked at him, what could you say?
"you kissed her.."

"how do you think i was supposed to feel, dallas?"

he shrugged, opening his mouth but he couldn't say anything.

"go home, dal."

the next day you went to school. it was your first step at being normal.
you dreaded it to be honest.

you would have to face connor and dallas again.
by the time you arrived, it was close to the first bell.
saying goodbye to your brother you got out of the car and headed inside the building.

you only saw cherry for a few seconds before she hurried off to class.
you sighed, standing at your locker grabbing your things for math.
no matter how bad you tried to ignore it, you couldn't deny that you missed dallas.

you started walking to the first block.
dallas joined in behind you.
"y/n, please. i'm sorry"
the greaser begged.

you sighed, getting closer to the classroom.
"dallas," you started
"i can't just forgive you. i hurt me"

he looked so sad, you could see it in his eyes.

you bit the inside of your cheek.
"what are we, dal? i cant keep up with these mixed signals," you admitted.
"i like you, dallas winston"

he froze.
did you just tell him your feelings?
why now? why did you wait?

he didn't know what to say.
he only watched you walk off.

it was now english, you entered seeing pony.
he smiled at you, you smiled back.
you took your seat next to him, you were going to ask him if he was okay but you refrained.

dallas sat in a different seat, but he couldn't take his eyes off you.

"y/n" ponyboy whispered.

you looked away from your book and turned your head.
"yes, pony?"

"do you like dally?"

you paused, thanking for a moment.

you nodded
"yes, i do."

"he likes you too"


pony smiled
"he told me. he said he had been working on changin for you. he talked about you the whole time he visited us. even in the hospital, he wanted you to be there but he didn't have your number"

you blinked, you didn't know what to say.
if he liked you so much, why did he storm off that day?



short chapter.

maybe no post tomorrow due to holidays.

keep an eye out on friday, will post.


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