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it had been two days since dallas asked you to be his.
when he first asked you you froze on the dance floor. staring at him.

"y/n?" dallas cleared his throat

he stared at you, while you stared back.
you looked like a deer in headlights.
you weren't expecting him to ask you out at all.

sure you liked him but...


slowly, you became more secretive about your relationship with dallas.
marcia and cherry knew, they weren't very supportive at first, especially cherry.
she was always going on about how you should be careful, he could hurt you again.

and you knew that, but you were head over heels for him.
maybe you were blinded by his good looks.
his nicknames for you.
something about him pulled you in.

dallas was the same.
you were his person.

one day, you were busy cleaning your room. picking up some little things you forgot to put away.
just keeping yourself busy while you were alone.

dallas stopped by.

since you became his girlfriend, he would stop by even more.
he misses you so much.

"y/n!" he yelled, instead of throwing rocks.
you opened the window.
"dal?" you hummed.

he gave you a sheepish smile.
"i missed you"

you laughed, "you saw me yesterday"

"but that was yesterday. i miss you today"
he purred.
"wanna go out?"

"i cant. you know how my brother is"
you sighed.

"he won't know. i'll keep you safe, love" he trailed off.
"you need to get out. it'll be good for you."

you knew he was right, but on the off chance, you'd get caught it wasn't worth it.
it was too risky.
but, you did it anyway.

"okay. where should we go?"

"how about you meet the gang?"

you were scared. this was the first time you would meet everyone, well, except ponyboy.
and johnny was still in the hospital.

since the accident, you've seen a change in dallas.
he lost that gleam in his eye.

dallas would never admit it but he cared for johnny a lot. he loved johnny. they were best buddies.

you didn't know exactly how to comfort him, he was usually standoff-ish so you didn't know what to say or do.
usually, if he brought johnny up, you'd try to comfort him with a hug. which he usually didn't return, but you could understand why.

you finally changed. something casual was your go-to.
dallas waited on you by the doorstep.
when you opened the door, there he was. standing in a jean jacket, black fitted shirt, and jeans.

god, he was perfect.

you flashed him a smile, closing the door behind him.

"you ready, doll?"

you hummed, nodding your head and then the two of you took off heading to the opposite side of town.

you two walked together for a while, most of the wall you didn't say anything to each other. you just enjoyed the quietness.
it wasn't uncomfortable.

you were in the early stages of dating so you hadn't held hands yet. or kissed.
both of you agreed not to rush it.

with the day slowly becoming colder as the sun slowly set, dallas noticed.
he swiftly took his jacket off and draped it over your shoulders.

you looked over to him, puzzled.
"you look cold"

you smiled, "thank you".

you didn't realize you two had already made it until dallas informed you.

following behind your new boyfriend like a lost puppy.
when he walked through the door you could hear a welcoming from the gang, slowly you walked up behind him.
peeking your head over his shoulder. immediately everyone's eyes landed on you.

it was a bit intimidating until someone spoke up.
"who's the gal, dally?"

a soft voice spoke up, your eyes following the sound and finding the carrier.
he was very handsome, like ponyboy.

"well," dallas started, scooting over to bring you into the room fully.

this must've been the first time a soc has been in the house.
they couldn't stop staring at you.
"this here is my girlfriend"

everyone turned to look at each other, whispering. out of the corner of your eye, you saw ponyboy grinning. it made you smile.
you hadn't seen a genuine smile from the kid in a long time. he had been through so much.

"and here i thought darry would've brought home a soc"
another boy spoke up as he stood up making his way over to you.

he stuck out his hand to shake yours, "names two-bit, ma'am"

you smiled, shaking his hand.
"y/n" you introduced yourself.
then everyone got up one by one to shake your hand.

lastly, the tallest one, darrel introduced himself.
"darrel, but everyone calls me darry"

you smiled, "it's nice to meet you all"
they all smiled.
as you got settled, they seemed to want to know you more and how you and dallas met.

they were pretty welcoming, considering you were a soc.
"your parents okay with you bein here?" steve asked.

you froze, looking around the room
it took you a few seconds to gain the courage to talk.
"my parents aren't around" you answered.

the atmosphere shifted. they all looked at one another, including dallas. but he knew.

"who you with?" sodapop asked.

"my brother, matthew l/n" you answered, giving a small smile.
darrel looked up, he raised his eyebrows. the name sounded familiar.

"does your brother happen to work roofing houses?"

you nodded.

"i must be workin with him."

you looked at dallas, he shrugged.

you stayed at the curtis' home for a few hours. the boys knew most about you before dallas took you home.
you bid a farewell to the gang and dallas escorted you out.
it was starting to get dark out. you knew well that your brother wouldn't be very happy with you. but this was the first time in a long time you've been happy.

sure you were happy with dallas, but something about the gang and how they seemed so happy. especially ponyboy. you saw him smile the most when two-bit or steve made some joke. it was nice.

even dallas seemed happy you got along with his buddies. he never said anything until he got you home.

"thank you for today, dal. i had fun" you smiled, slipping off the jacket he gave you and handing it back to him before your got caught.
he flashed you a smile.

"of course, doll. now go on home. i'll see ya tomorrow"

you nodded and started walking away. he grabbed your arm.
you looked back at him, confused.

"i forgot to tell ya, tomorrow night there's a big rumble between us and the socs. i'll be there. but i'll be sure to be okay" he assured.

you stared at him. a rumble? like fighting? you've never heard of that before.
"oh.." you started.
you blinked a few times, you were scared. you hated fights.

"i'll be okay, doll" he assured, smiling at you.
you nodded.

"you better be, dallas winston"

hopelessly devoted- dallas winstonWhere stories live. Discover now