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days passed since your brother caught you.
still, at school, you were hanging around dallas.
he hasn't done you wrong, so you had no reason to be afraid of him.

you had finally told him about your parents death, how your brother is your legal guardian.
you could tell dallas wasn't very happy but there wasn't much he could do for you.
sometimes dallas would still come to your window at night to talk to you.

maybe you did like him. after all, he was charming.
you would describe his features to be similar to a fennec fox.
he had nice cheekbones, a sharp jawline. so, it didn't seem too shocking when people would stare at him a lot or even double take.

you don't blame them.
but what did he see in you? you couldn't figure it out.

anytime some soc tried anything on you, he was by your side.
still, cherry and marcia were by your side.
sure, it was awkward once they found out about your friendship with the hood.
sure, they weren't thrilled but he did help you a few times.

your brother continued pressuring you about dallas. he began watching you even more.
you knew it was your fault.
what happened was over with. you just had to live with your consequences.

from time to time dallas would stop by your house to check on you.
the way your brother acted with you didn't feel right to the greaser. though, it's probably just you bein a soc. he had only dated grease girls. they never had any rules or regulations.

dallas was starting to worry about his two buddies so he met with sodapop and darrel.
dally knew that he was going to have to break the news to pony's family. and he did.
but he assured the two brothers he would take care of it.
dally would only think he would up in a murder rap upstate. not here.
not johnny.

he knew he had to tell you he would be going out of town the next day. he wouldn't be with you so he had to make sure cherry or marcia would look after you.

he liked you. a lot.
probably more than just liking you.
he wouldn't know how to tell you though. you probably didn't like him anyway. he thought you were too good for him.

he was planning on telling you he would be leaving the next day at lunch.

the next day, you stood at your locker with cherry and marcia. you guys weren't talking about much until cherry brought up the news of bobs funeral.
you didn't know what to say, she invited you but you didn't know if it was appropriate for you to show up.

"y/n, will you be there?" marcia asked.
you closed your locker, leaning against the blue metal.

"i don't know. if i can get out i might." you started, "again, i'm sorry that happened, cherry"

you gave her a sympathetic smile. she smiled back at you.

"i'm off to chemistry, i'll see you guys later" marcia announced. the two of you waved her off.

before leaving for lunch, dallas stopped you at your locker.
"hey, doll" he flagged you down, using one of his nicknames for you.
you turned your heart, looking up at him.
you'd think you should be used to his pet names, but they still made your stomach flip.

"yes, dal?"

"i uh.." he started, scratching the back of his head.
"i won't be here tomorrow. i have to go check on ponyboy and johnny," he said, quietly, while looking around.

you tilted your head, "are they okay?"

he nodded, "they're fine, i think. i just promised them i'd head up there when i thought the coast was clear." he explained.

hopelessly devoted- dallas winstonWhere stories live. Discover now