Chapter 29

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"Well, I would have taken you out for dinner or to go dancing, but...", Frida paused as she closed the front door behind Marieke.
"If the other day has showed me one thing it's that staying in can be just as nice." Marieke laughed, trying to hide that she was blushing by taking off her jacket. Marieke looked around the entry, she couldn't quite believe she really was at Frida's house. She was with Frida.
"Are we alone?" Frida nodded.
"Yes, we are." She took a step closer to Marieke.
"Just you and me." Frida tapped her finger on Marieke's chest as she said you. Marieke felt as though her heart was beating out of her chest, when she reluctantly put her hands on Frida's waist. Frida was surprised by Marieke's surge in confidence, just like she had been in the car. She enjoyed Marieke's touch, they hadn't even left the entry way, but their lips had already become inseparable.
"Maybe I should have asked you to come in, have a glass of wine and maybe some snacks first.", Frida smiled at Marieke after they pulled apart.
"No, don't worry, this is nice too.", Marieke smiled just as widely, before giving Frida another peck on the mouth.
"Well, let me show you to the living room, I can guarantue that'll be even nicer than standing in the entryway." Frida laughed grabbing Marieke's hand and intertwining their fingers as she lead her down the hall.

After barely two sips of it, Marieke could already start to feel the wine. She was cursing herself for being to nervous to eat before she left. Marieke looked over to Frida. They were sitting on the couch together, facing each other and Marieke couldn't help but admire even the tiniest movements and gestures Frida made. The confidence she exuded made her unbelievably attractive.
"Do you ever get nervous?"
"What?", Frida smiled at Marieke with a confused look on her face.
"Do I ever get nervous about knitting?" Frida's expression made Marieke chuckle.
"No, sorry that was a very abrupt change of topic." Marieke put her glass of wine down on the table.
"I can't imagine you ever get nervous. Everything you do and say, you're just always so confident, so you.", she ran her fingers through her hair. Frida's gorgeous green eyes pierced Marieke for a few seconds.
"Yeah, that really has nothing to do with knitting sweaters. But I am? I mean, you think so?" Frida paused again.
"I'm sorry  I caught you off guard. It's just I'm trying my hardest not to make an utter fool of myself and I feel like I still do. I question everything I do and say and even think, because I'm so worried it could be the wrong thing. But you... you just always know what to say and do, you captivate everyone around you."
"I feel like you're trying to flatter me.", Frida still had the confused smile on her lips.
"No, I mean it.", Marieke leaned forward eagerly.
"I do. You're probably the most enticing and thrilling person I have ever met, Frida." Frida laughed out, now leaving Marieke puzzled. She started stroking Marieke's arm and hand as she looked of to the side.
"Well, I might be confident, but you are wrong, I do get nervous." Frida looked at her for just a split second.
"You do?"
"Yes of course I do, but I hide it behind the confidence, behind the bubbly personality or the serious stern face." Frida stopped stroking Marieke's arm and was resting her hand on Marieke's lap now.
"That sounds a lot nicer than worrying and being embarrassed all the time."
"I don't know if it is, but it's something I've always done. Maybe it's because as long as I know who I am and want I want, as long as I'm in charge, nothing can get to me, nothing can hurt me." Frida still didn't look at her, so Marieke grabbed her hand.
"Do you never just want to let go? Let someone else take control?"
"Sometimes I wish someone would, but actually doing it scares me.
"Don't you ever just want to take control?"
"Well, we make quite the pair, don't we? One is afraid of losing control and the other is afraid of having it.", they both chuckled.
"This time I have an idea." Marieke gently turned Frida's head so she looked at her again.
"Let me take control tonight."

Huge shoutout to Lillisabernd for being my personal hype woman and helping out with the chapter:))

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